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THE DOMO DESCENDED over the volcano. Solarya glanced at Druig, "Try not to get killed."

"I think that's the nicest thing you've said to me all week," Druig smirked. He pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead and she closed her eyes, "I'll be careful. I promise." He whispered.

Makkari motioned for them to go and she sped them down to the volcano. They stared up at it and Sersi spoke, "It's time to put a god to sleep." Druig clicked the bracelet into place and they followed. A golden light surrounded them and they were lifted into the air. They were encased in a ball and the lava lessened.

A beam of light shot out and Druig was knocked to his feet.

"I should have done this five centuries ago," Ikaris said as he dropped down onto the ground. He grabbed Druig by the throat and flew into the sky. The golden glow disappeared and Solarya looked up. Ikaris let go of Druig and blasted him into the ground.

A scream ripped from Solarya's throat as he was pushed into the earth. Ikaris lazed the Domo and it crashed to the ground. Makkari sped them away before it could collide with them. She ran towards it and retrieved the others.

Ikaris flew down, "Druig's gone. It's over." Makkari and Solarya glanced at each other.  Makkari sped forward and Solarya created a small sun in her palm. Makkari sped around Ikaris and Solarya fired. She stumbled as the volcano exploded and ash and boulders were raining down.

Makkari stopped as Ikaris lazed a rock before spending at him with blows. Solarya fired simultaneously and Ikaris groaned. He grabbed Makkari, "Enough." He threw her back and shot a laser into her chest. He turned to look at Solarya.

"I've been waiting for this," Ikaris said.

"So have I."

A ball of the sun danced on her palm and she fired. Blast after blast Ikaris was knocked back, trying desperately to find some ground to blast back. As he found it, he stumbled up and lazed at her. She caught it in her hands and absorbed its powers before throwing it back at him.

He hissed as it blinded him and got to his feet looking around blindly

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He hissed as it blinded him and got to his feet looking around blindly. As he regained his composure he tried to use his heat vision and it blasted against Thena's shield. Makkari sped forward and punched him and Thena kicked him in the face causing him to fly back into a rock.

"Thena stop!"

Thena brought down her sword and he moved out of the way. He fought with her and threw her towards Phastos, Makkari caught her. Ikaris blasted them but lost his focus as one of Solarya's light rays and Phastos' contraptions hit him. Phastos let out a yell as his gadgets attacked the rogue Eternal. They gathered behind a shield he had made as Ikaris blasted them.

Makkari sped forward and kicked up sand that went in Ikaris' eyes, Thena slashed at him and as he came down Solarya fired at him. He was thrown into the dirt by the evolved Deviant and Phastos shot it.

It growled.

"Why are you helping Ikaris?" Thena questioned.

"We can't let it absorb our powers," Phastos said. The Deviant raised an arm and Gilgamesh's golden fist armour surrounded it.

"Too late," it snarled. Thena readied herself.

"Thena, he's trying to goad you. Don't..." Phastos' warnings fell on deaf ears as Makkari sped around the Deviant. A moment later a blast sent them all backwards.

The Deviant jumped towards Makkari and its tentacles slithered around her.


Solarya and Phastos shot throwing it away. Thena formed her weapons and went towards it.

"Where's Sersi?" Ikaris asked.

"You always did underestimate her," Phastos said. Ikaris took off and Solarya felt her powers hum beneath her skin. She let it flow down to her hands and it formed whips. She cracked them and they slithered around Ikaris' ankles.

Phastos helped her set up his gadgets to create more ropes before they simultaneously brought him to the ground.

"Awesome," Phastos laughed, "I don't know about you by this is really satisfying, right?"

"Let me go! I can't let her do this!"

"I don't think so," Solarya replied.

"We've been wanting to clip your wings for a long time Ikaris!" Phastos yelled. The Eternal tried to use his lasers but it was no use, it didn't even reach them. The wind picked up and the water rushed behind them. The ground rambled and a gold figure exploded from the sea. They turned towards it and Phastos tightened the restraints.

Ikaris strained against them before he broke free with a yell, lasers shooting into the sky and blasting them back. Makkari sped to the to make sure they were alright and they watched as he took off into the sky.

A moment later they were lifted into the sky by the golden glow and a beam shot out of them all and into one light. The Celestial froze over and for a moment everything was quiet as they descended back to the ground.

"She did it," Solarya breathed in shock. Sersi came towards them and the questions started.

"How? How did you do it?" Phastos asked.

"When I touched Tiamut's palm I felt energy surging into me. Tiamut joined out Uni-Mind."

"I always wondered how we survived the destruction of other planets that we were on. By being connected to the Celestial as it emerged," Phastos said.

Solarya sighed and looked out into the sea.

"We became one... even Ikaris and Sprite all because of Tiamut," Makkari signed and Phastos nodded. She looked to the side and tapped Solarya. She hummed in acknowledgement and Makkari pointed.

Solarya breathed in relief and ran up to Druig. He hugged her tightly, "I'm okay. I promise." The group came towards them and Makkari hugged him. They turned to look at Sprite.

Sersi spoke to her quietly and they watched as Sersi made Sprite human.

THE SUN SUMMONERWhere stories live. Discover now