epilogue part two

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"Sirius, get the kids!" I yell as I set up their trunks to go to Hogwarts, which is hard while being pregnant...again.
"Dylan, Christopher, Lorelei!" Dad calls to our three kids who go to Hogwarts. Dylan is 16 and is in Gryffindor. Christopher is 13 and is in Ravenclaw. Lorelei is 12 and is in Gryffindor. "Edward stop throwing spiders at Ella!" Sirius yells from upstairs and I shake my head. Edward is the little rebel, who is 7, Sirius and I think he will either be in Gryffindor or Slytherin. Ella is his twin, but they look nothing alike considering Edward is a ginger. Ella is the nice loyal one, who might end up in Hufflepuff-which I dont mind. Then we have the twin gingers, Jameson and Rosie. They are two. If you haven't noticed, most of the kids were blessed with the gingerness passed down from the genes of my relatives. The others were dark brown, a mix of my brown hair and Sirius' black hair or they were light brown, my hair. I'm pregnant again, and probably the last time because Sirius got his Quidditch team already, and I think I am getting too old. "I want to go to Hogwarts, Mom!" Ella whines as they all come downstairs. "You will go in a few years, sweetie." I say softly as we get the floo powder ready.
"Harry!" I exclaim and hug him. His three kids waved at me and I waved back. They ran off with my three kids who are in Hogwarts. "Do you think you're done with kids?" Harry asks and I dramatically sigh, "If Sirius stops seducing me, then maybe." I joke and Sirius smirks. We look over and I see Lorelei blushing at something Harry's youngest son, Albus, had said. "H-Harry!" I exclaim and nod my head toward them. He turns and laughs, "They don't understand that they're technically related in our eyes." He says as he shakes his head, amusement clear in his voice. I look over a find Ella staring dreamily at a blonde boy getting on the train. "Who's that?" I whisper and Harry makes a face, "Draco Malfoys son, she has no chance with him." Harry whispers. Sirius starts laughing and I roll my eyes. I place my hands across my stomach, a habit Ive grown accustomed to, and start walking back to the barrier to go home.

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