chapter twenty-one

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Sirius' pov

I kept trailing my hand up Cass' leg until she finally couldnt concentrate. She got up and said she needed to grab her wand and went upstairs. "Hmmm Im going to annoy her" I announce and follow after. I walk up the stairs and into my room and find Cass with her wand with her back turned toward the door. I wrap my arms around her making her jump and raise her wand and until she realized it was me. "Oh gosh you scared me" she says and trails kisses from my lips down to my neck. "You know. We could always-" I start but she stops me. "Not now we could get caught" she says laughing. "How about tonight?" I ask. She sighs and looks up at me and my hopeful eyes. "Okay." She whispers and kisses me. She pulls away after a moment and smiles "Make sure to lock the doors and put on the silencing charm so nobody hears tonight." She says and smacks my arse before walking out. "Fiesty!" I call out making her laugh as she walked down the stairs. I went over to where I hid the presents that Remus brought for me. I looked at what I got Cassandra and smiled at it. Christmas is going to be really nerve racking but its all worth it.

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