chapter two

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Summer break had arrived and for once I was glad. Fourth year was terrible, and the worst of all the crazy experiences so far. Most of us were staying at Sirius' home and headquarters. Sirius and Mrs. Weasley were arguing really, really loudly about me joining the order or not while Remus attempts to calm them down. "You okay mate?" Ron asks and I shrug, sitting on the couch with a big jumper swallowing me. "Come on Harry—Don't be so glum," Hermione says trying to cheer me up. "I ca-" I start but hear a crash from the kitchen where Sirius and Mrs. Weasley were arguing. It was so loud even Fred, George and Ginny came running down. We all looked in to see Sirius pacing and Remus looking, for once, over joyed. "Our fifth Maruader is coming back!!" Sirius says finally stopping his pace to shake Remus back and forth. "MIT IS COMING BACK!" Remus joins in, both looking like little kids. "Who's Mit?" Mrs Weasley asks and I could only hope they finally stopped arguing for good. "Mit wasn't on the map..?" Fred whispers to the rest of us because we were still un-noticed. "The Marauders map?" I ask and they nod. "Maybe she joined later?" Hermione says but it sounded like a question. "Cassandra," Sirius says ,calming down a bit. "Shes alive? I thought she died years ago. Oh my! She was always so nice. She was in love with little Fred and George. Always played with them and helped me feed them. Oh that was before they became little devils— what she would say now!" Mrs Weasley says, Fred and George didn't know whether to scowl at their mother or grin. "Mit would be over excited to hear their pranks. She may have been nice but she was so sneaky," Remus shakes his head and chuckles. "I will never understand why you call each other weird names." Mrs Weasley says and Sirius and Remus just smile at her. "I wonder how she is doing. I think she remembers the kids, always said she felt bad for Ginny because she was the only girl." Mrs Weasley says and Sirius laughs. "I wouldn't put it past Mit to be like that." he says and he had a sad smile on his face. "Do you think she will really come? She sounds cool!" Fred finally says and the three adults look at us for the first time. "KIDS OUT!" Mrs Weasley screams and we scamper out and then Sirius and her start arguing again. I sigh and plop back on the couch just as I hear The painting of Sirius mother start screaming from the other room from all the loudness. Things are so hectic and even with my friends I still felt alone.

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