chapter eight

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Sirius pov

"Noooo you cant leave me alone! Remus hasnt even been by in ages." I beg Cassie to stay. "No means no. Now hurry up I need to apparate to Hogwarts to get there early and bug Minnie." she says. I frown but chuckle. I hug her and kiss her cheek making her cheeks red. "See you soon love" I tell her then she floos over there. I sigh as everyone rushed around. I went up to feed buckbeak who was going to be my only friend for awhile. But then the idea struck me! I could go too just as padfoot and not Sirius. I change into my animangus and found Harry. Molly yelled at me but I ignored her and went beside Harry. I feel so badass right now.

Cassies pov

I arrive at Hogwarts in Dumbledores office. "Hello Albus." I smile. I was dressed in a black dress that ended at my thigh. It was strapless and had sparkles at the bust but then ruffled down. I had on black wedge looking shoes. I had on a bracelet and jewelry. Over it I had a black cloak that was left open and flew dramatically behind me when I walk. It was something I would never had dreamt of wearing when I was younger but look at me now. (A/N: look at me now look at me now... no body else thought of that?...okay ill shut up lol) "Hello Cass" Albus smiles but when I walk closer I notice the woman that I at first mistook for a toad in pink. "Who is she" the woman asks putting on a very fake smile. "This is Professor Britt." Ablus says and Umbridge smirks/smiles at me. "Oh a pureblood." she says and I wanted to groan in annoyance. "Doloros Umbridge. I work at the Ministry of magic and I am now the defense against art teacher." she says sounding proud. "Cassie Britt. Care of magical creatures." I tell her. "Cassie sounds like a little girls name" she sneers 'nicely' because she is in way over her league. "Cassandra Britt" Albus says and I give him a smile. "I came to tell you Ill be setting up in the hut." I tell him he nods and I walk out. It was quiet because no kids arrive till later. As I walk through the halls memories fill my head

"I BET I CAN BEAT YOU TO QUIDDITCH PRACTICE!" James yelled and Sirius laughed. "You're on. Cass come on you too" Sirius says. I sigh and get beside them. "One. Two-" James says but J starts running. "Hey!" Sirius and I yell. Sirius caught up and then I did. Sirius got there first them James and me tied. "You suck" I pant to James as our Captain yelled at us to get on our brooms and fly. I was the seeker while Sirius was the beater and James was a chaser. Remus and Peter where in the common room doing homework at the time

I felt anger rage through me as I thought of Peter. He betrayed all of us. I open up the cold hut of Hagrids and start the fire. I start cleaning Hagrids hut because he is really unorganized. I dust everything off and by the time Im done I realize I was five minutes late. "Shit" I mutter. I dash off and when I reach the great hall I open the doors with a loud creak making heads turn to me. I was out of breath but I wave shyly at the kids and go to the teachers table. "Sorry Im late Albus. Lost track of time" I tell him. He chuckles and nods, I sit beside McGonagall and hear whispers "Holy crap I'd like to Slytherin in her bed" "Wooowwwww I'd like to explore her magic" and all these other creepy things were being said and my face goes red. "Hey! I'm still a professor!" I announce and the whispers stop. "Soooo what have I missed?" I ask Albus who was still laughing and shaking his head. "We sorted everyone and I was just saying Welcome back" he smiles warmly. The toad, umbridge stands 'Hem hem' she says and I smirk "Hey Doloros you sound like you need a cough drop" I say rather loudly. I see the students start snickering and Umbridge throws me a death glare. I spot Harry and wave and he grins and waves back. Umbridge starts blabbing and I put my head on the teachers table and groan rather loudly. I could see McGonagall trying not to laugh which made me get a new point of view on her. "Is there something you would like to say?" A rather irritated Umbridge says. I lift my head to the curious students and smile at Unbridge. "Yup. TUCK IN" I yell and the food appears. "Sorry Albus but I beat you to it. Ive always wanted to do that." I say and the great hall burst in to laughs and claps. "I can go one year without doing it" he says and Umbridge stomps to her chair. "Thank you" he mouths when she wasnt looking and I nod my head at him. I wasnt really hungry so I look at McGonagall and smile. "Hello Minerva" I say politely. "Cass." she nods and eats her food. "I have grown to like you" I tell her. "Now why is that?" she asks and I smile. "Because we both hate someone equally." I whisper to her. I see her smile with her thin lips and nod. "Agreed Cassie" she says. I smile at her before getting up and walking to the Gryffindor table. Kids looked and whispered and the Gryffindor table looked confused on why I was going over there until Harry stood up and ran over to hug me. "Hello Aunt Cassie" he smiles and I could already hear the rumors going around, hopefully true. "Actually its Proffesor Aunt Cassie now" I joke. "Nah Im good" Harry smiles and I ruffle his hair. I walk with him to his seat and give Ron and Hermione a hug. "Hello kids like my entrance?" I ask laughing. "I like what you said to the toad." Ron says quietly and I nod. "So what are you teaching?" Hermione asks. "Care of Magical creatures. Im staying in Hagrids hut" I tell them. "I bet you'll be great but do you know where Hagrid is?" Harry asks. "Talk later about it" I say under my breath. "No I dont" I then say and they all got the hint. "Well I shall go bug Albus or something" I grin and they nod. "Bye you guys see you later." I tell Hermione and Ron then look at Harry. "Bye kiddo." I tell him and he grins before eating his food. I walk over to Albus who was talking to some other teachers. "Albus. Im going to head to the hut. So if you need to talk you know where to find me." I tell him and he nods.

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