chapter five

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Remus pov (oooiih a first)

I apparate to Sirius' place and hear a scream... Maybe I should leave. "DONT CUT MY HAIR" I hear and chuckle, nope I wanna watch this. I go to the source of the screaming and see Cassie tying Sirius down to a chair while the Weasley family, Harry and Hermione watched in amusement (minus Molly and Arthur because Arthur was at the ministry and Molly was in the other room with a few of the other order members.) "YOU NEED A HAIR CUT" Cassie yells. She pulls out some scissors and Sirius whimpers "Please dont!" he begs. She laughs and starts cutting. "Noooooo" he bellows. "Come on Siri you know I love you and cutting your hair is for the best" she says pinching his cheeks. He crosses his arms like a child and I burst out laughing. "Oh hey Moony" Cass says casual as she cuts Sirius' hair. "Hey. How short are you going to go?" I ask. "I dont know. Maybe the length it was when we were in our seventh year." she says thoughtfully. "No it was hideous back then" Sirius says. "It looked cute" Cass says and cuts it more. "I dont want to look cute-Im a man" Sirius groans. "Fine you'll look handsome" she says and he sighs in frustration. "Man, Sirius your hair was so long" Cass says, "Maybe you should shave it all" I joke and Sirius gasps. "No! Please dont Ill do anything" he begs. "Even kiss a toad?" Cass asks. Sirius nods "Yup but your just as close to a toad so come and kiss me so I can keep my hair " he says. Cass wacks him but goes in front of him and starts leaning forward. The kids looked shocked and so did I...that is when there lips were almost touching Cass pulls away and kissed her hand and slaps him. "Ow" Sirius yelps. Cassie looks up at the kids and starts laughing. "You guys thought I was..." she trails off out of breath from laughing. Sirius looked put out after that but Cass didnt see because she went back to cutting his hair.

Mittens pov

I finally finished cutting Sirius hair and he looked younger. "Now, go shave" I instruct he grumbles and goes into the bathroom and screams. "MY HAIR" He whines. I thought it looked good, almost sexy if he would shave that damned beard he was starting to get along with his mustache. "STOP BEING A BABY AND SHAVE" I yell back. I sit beside Hermione, Ron and Harry who were laughing at something. "Hey guys" I smile. "Hello Cassie" Ron said and so did Hermione. "Hi Aunt Cass" Harry says. "Hey wheres your little girlyfriend" I ask teasing Harry. "I could say the same for your boyfriend" Harry says and I laugh. "I haven't had a boyfriend since I was at Hogwarts. They always broke up with me because James would scare them away" I tell them. "How?" Harry asks eager to hear about his dad. "He was so brotherly to me. Protective all the time." I tell him. "Your father was amazing and I loved him like a brother" I say truthfully. "It mustve been hard" he says. "What?" I ask. "You lost your two bestfriends" he says. "But you lost your family." I tell him he shakes his head. "But I never knew them like you besides I have you and Sirus" he says. I smile and ruffle his hair. "You have an amazing heart kiddo." I tell him and he smiles. "I remember when you were a baby. I always would hold you and talk about my future kids then James would laugh at me and tell me it wasnt going to happen" I continue and that made the three of them laugh. "I guess he was right though. Guys dont like me anymore." I laugh. "Youre pretty enough. You should be able to get a guy. Open your eyes and you might see one who has been there all along." Harry says. "Okay Harry. I think I know what youre up to" Sirius' voice makes me jump a little. "Wha?" Harry asks innocently. "You're trying to set me and her up. Youre worse than my mother" Sirius says. "I would never do such a thing" Harry says dramatically before running upstairs with his two bestfriends. "What?" I asked confused. "Our Godson thinks we should go out" Sirius says and sits beside me. I felt my cheeks go red but I quickly replaced it with a laugh. "He always has ideas" I say and lay back on the couch. I look at Sirius for the first time since he shaved his beard and I was shocked. He looked like the young lad I had a crush on years ago. "Having fun staring?" he asks and my face went red to where he actually saw. "Is little mittens blushing?" Sirius asks. I wasnt sure if he was joking or actually asking. I ignore him and look away. "Im going to get something to eat" I announce and go to the kitchen. I was making myself a sandwhich when Sev popped through the fireplace. I jumped a little but smiled. "Hey Sev. How have you been?" I ask and give him a side hug and continue making my sandwhich. "Good, very busy with orders here and there" he grumbles before sitting down at the table. I sit next to him to eat my sandwhich. "How about you?" he asks. "Good, Harry is so much like Lily but looks so much like James its almost heartbreaking." I tell him with a sigh. "He is nothing like Lily." Sev says and I look up at him. "If you get past your hatred of James you would see how caring he is" I tell him. "He is just an immature trouble maker who let fame get to his head." Sev says and I snap. "He reminds me of Richie! So dont you dare say that. I miss Richie and Lily and James. I miss them so much that it breaks me but i try not to think about it" I try not to cry, like I had done so many times alone at my old apartment. "I never had a caring family okay! So I will give Harry the best I dont care if I have to kill myself to do so, It will happen. He deserves it and you need to get your school grudge away to see him for himself!" I was yelling by now. "You say you cared for Lily but if you did you would not be so inconsiderate of her husband!" I scream and Severus stands up, just as I did. "They bullied me! You know they did!" he yells. "YES, I SEE. HOLD A GRUDGE ON THE DAMN DEAD COUPLE WHO CANT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT" I yell aggravated. I turn to exit the room and see everyone standing at the door way. I walk out quickly avoiding everyones gaze. I go to the bathroom and lock it and look up into the mirror. I missed Richie and the more I thought of him laughing with me or talking with me the more tears fell to my face. I thought of Lily who I always called Lilz and was my bestfriend since we were in pigtails together. I thought of James the lovable troublemaker who was always there for me. I sobbed and put my head down in shame as I sank to the floor. I heard yelling and I knew I probably started trouble.

Sirius' pov

We all heard yelling, I was the first and went to listen. It was Snape and Cass. The kids heard soon and listened in since I was watching them while Molly and Arthur were doing things for the order. When they stopped arguing Cass stomped through keeping her head down and I knew she was crying. "YOU RUDE GIT" I yell at him and he turns and looks at me. "Get out of my house!" I scream and he glares. "The pleasure is mine" he sneers before apparating even though we werent suppose to without confirming it with the household but I dont care, im glad he left. I walked to the bathroom where Cass went to and heard her crying which she hasnt done in a long time. I use my wand and mutter alahomora to open the locked door. I quietly sat beside her and looked at her. "Hey Cassandra?" I ask waiting to be punched, but I wasnt. "What Siri?" she asks and I couldn't help but smile. "You havent called me that in years" I tell her. She doesnt answer but throws her body at me and I instantly wrap my arms around her and comfort her. "I am here for you. I wont leave, you cant get rid of me" I tell her softly. "Sadly" she jokes, now sniffling. She looks up at me and I wipe her tears with my thumb and realize how close our faces were. "You okay?" I ask. "Just peachy" she sighs. "Bad question, sorry" I tell her. She looks into my eyes and shakes her head. "You managed to shag every girl in school but you cant be sweet" she laughs. "I didn't shag you" I point out and she laughs. "I could.." I trail off and I see her eyes shine with amusement. "Really? I bet not" She says and I grin thinking of all the bets we placed as kids. "I bet I can shag you before Christmas." I tell her, since its summer that gives me time to make her fall in love with me. "Deal and if you loose you have to shave your entire head" she says but I shake my head "Im not done with my deal yet" I tell her and she looks at me "What more to the deal could there be?" she asks. "I'll make you fall in love with me" I tell her. She doesn't laugh but she smiles. "How would you know if I was?" she asks. "Ill know" I tell her. "So deal?" I ask she nods. "If you cant get this done by Christmas day I get to shave your head." she says and I nod. "If you loose you have to tell my mom you shagged me and are pregnant" I chuckle and I shake her hand. "Deal" we say at the same time. I pull her up off the ground and smile "Come on, love, lets go mess with the kids." I tell her, I see her scowl "That sounds like something an immature parent would say." she says, giggling. I stick my tongue out at her and we go out and talk to the bundle of gingers and the non gingers.

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