Chapter six

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Sirius' pov

I spent all the time I could to get Cass to love me atleast a little. I didnt care about shagging her I just wanted her to love me like i loved her. Harry found out about our deal-or Cass told him. They tell each other everything! Harry always smirks when he sees us together now. "Hows your love life?" Remus asks. He also knew and every time he came over he would ask. "Same" I mutter and sigh. "All I need is for her to love me I dont care if I get my hair shaved for not shagging her" I tell him and he smiles at me. "She'll come around" He says. Just then I heard heels bounding down the stairs and I look to see Cass dressed all fancy with a black low thigh skirt and a white top. Her hair was put up for once instead of hanging down her back. It was weird to see her dressed girly but she looked pretty still. "Whats the occasion?" Remus asks and she smiles. "Im going to try and get a job" she says. "Where?" I ask. "You'll see" before I could ask she apparates. "Nobody understands the whole 'dont apparate unless you ask' rule" I mutter and Remus chuckles. Molly comes through the fireplace to take the kids home plus take Harry and Hermione so they could get there school stuff. "Wheres aunt cass?" Harry asks as he comes down. "She went for a job interview" I tell him and he frowns slightly" Oh" he mutters then says goodbye to me and Remus. "That boy loves her" I tell Remus. "Of course she acts like his mother but at the same time acts like his friend" Remus says. "But I do that in the father image" I whine. "You dont understand it do you? He is a mothers boy." Remus says like its obvious. "But he doesnt have his mom he has Cass" he adds. "I wonder where Cass went" I ask. "Come on shes been here for most of the summer without leaving and you're wondering where she went even though she said it was to get a job" Remus laughs "Well she doesn't need a job." I point out and he shrugs. "Dont ask me that girls' got weird ideas." he chuckles. "Well what about your love life?" I ask and he groans. "She wants to go out with me and I want to go out with her but we cant because its too dangerous." he sighs referring that 'her' as Tonks. "Oh come on Moony whats life without a bit of...risk." I smirk. "Is that going to be your quote or something you said that like three years ago." Remus chuckles. "Oy just go out with her already" I tell him. "Same for you" he says and I glare at him "Im trying atleast." I tell him and he sighs. "Life is so complicated" he complains. "You got that right." I mutter.

Cassies pov (the first time i havent put mittens pov lol)

"So Albus it's been awhile." I say as I greet him by apparating into his office. "Yes it has Cassandra" he says and I try not to scowl making his eyes glisten with amusement. "So what do you need Cass? I remember you were here often as a young child getting into mischief" he says and I give a small laugh. "Well um I was wondering if I could get a job here so I can be close to Harry.. " I trail off. "Actually that would be amazing" he says and beckons me forward making me almost shocked he said yes so fast. "We have a member of the ministry teaching this year. I need to keep everything straight. I have no open spots for teaching but you can be an assistant trainee of someone or maybe....I could use you as the care of magical creatures teacher into Hagrid comes back. Then the other women wont have to fill in." he says. "Wheres Hagrid?" I ask. "Order." he says barely over the whisper and I knew what he meant. "Ill take it. Will Hagrid mind If I stay in his hut?" I ask. "Not at all. He thought you were an amazing kid." he smiles and I thank him. "I'll see you soon Albus." I smile at him and he gives me a wave before I apparate back to the grimmauld place. The pop disturbs Ms. Black and she starts yelling. "ITS ME MS. BLACK, CASSIE" I yell over her bellowing. She shuts up and I fell onto the couch letting out a sigh. Sirius come in and moves my legs and sits down before putting my legs on his lap. "Rough day?" he asks. "Yes." I nod sleepily. "I got the job" I mutter half asleep. "What job?" he asks I groan. "If you take me to bed Ill tell you." I say softly trying to stay awake. I thought he was going to say no but before I know it I'm being lifted up like a feather and being carried away. "Wow still so light" Sirius says. I smile snuggling into his chest for warmth as I start to fall asleep again. He lays me down leaving me feeling cold. "Now tell me" he says. "Will you take my shoes off?" I ask. I hear him laugh before my shoes are taken off. "Do you need me to change you too?" he jokes and I think about it before raising my arms like a kid my eyes still closed. "Cass are you joking?" he asks. "No Im tired get my pajamas" I mumble. I hear him moving around before my back is off the bed and my shirt is off leaving me feeling colder. I open my eyes to see Sirius staring. "If you keep staring Ill wack you when Im awake sooo" I trail off closing my eyes again. "Sorry." he says quietly and I can feel a tanktop on my body. He take off my skirt and quickly puts on a pair of my my pajama pants on me. I lay back down with a yawn and pat the bed beside me. "Come here Siri" I mumble. I feel him lay beside me and I roll closer to him. "So are you going to tell me now?" he asks. "Hogwarts" I mumble getting closer to dream land. "Doing what?" he asks. "Care of magical creatures" I say and he starts to get up. "No dont leave!" I say and he lays back down. I cuddle into him and I could tell he was tense but soon relaxed and wrapped his arms around my waist. I fell asleep soon after to the sound of his heartbeat.

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