chapter sixteen

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Cass' pov

Classes went on as I waited for the toad to come. I was hoping for her to forget but I was wrong. During the combined classes of Slytherin and Gryffindor with Harry, Hermione and Ron there. She came just like the last time. "Britt" she sneers as she walks over after the 'hemming' thing she does that grosses me out. "Yes?" I question mockingly. "Im here to watch your class carry on" she says and glares at Hagrid. Half way during Hagrids first sentence she starts asking him a bunch of questions that made him really uncomfortable, like, "Are you giant?" Or "How did you get this job?" And all these other things. "You can leave you're disrupting our class" I say angrily as everyone watched Hagrid as he stuttered. The slytherins were laughing at Hagrid "Five points from Slytherin for laughing at the teacher" I say loudly with my back turned to them as i glared at the toad. She wrote something on her clipboard and spoke in a deadly voice that even scared me-but I didnt show it. "Britt, meet me in my office at 6:00 tonight or you will be fired" she states. "You cant fire me" I snap. "Watch me, 6:00" she says before stomping off. "Stupid toad" I growl as I turn back to the class. "Lets carry on" I say loudly when they all started talking. "Are you going to her office at 6:00?" One of the Gryffindors asked, I think it was Lavender Brown. "Of course not." I tell them and the class laughed a little. "Proffesor...I think you should go she probably would fire you." Hermione says and I shrug. "It doesnt matter anymore Hermione" I tell her and give her a small smile. "I could take her place working in the ministry in a heartbeat. She should be the one watching out to be fired" I tell her. She nods hesitantly and glances at Harry who I noticed was looking pale and well depressed almost. "Well Hagrid lets continue class" I say cheerfully.

Harrys pov

Im such a bad person. I cant believe I said that

to Cass...She is never going to forgive me. I feel so bad I cant even describe it. Hermione told me how bad Cass looked this morning when she went to wake her. Im such a terrible godson...

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