chapter nineteen

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Sirius Pov

When Cass and Molly left I grabbed a piece of parchment and wrote down all the things I wanted Remus to go out and buy for me. I sent him the letter and a bag of money with Molly's owl...she wont mind...I waited for two hours before they finally came back and I jumped off my bed when Cass came into my room and sat a small bag down. She laid down on the bed and spread out like a starfish and smirked. "This is my bed now" she states jokingly and I laugh. "How about our bed?" I whisper in her ear as I crawl beside her onto the bed. She shivers a little bit making me smirk. "I wish you couldve came with us" she says softly and wraps her arms around me as she cuddles into me. "I wish I could take you out on dates and walk with you anywhere without going back to Azkaban but that cant happen" I tell her and brush her hair out of her face. "Im talking to the ministry during Christmas" she says and looks away. "You cant do that!" I say instantly. "Yes I can" she says. "No. If they put you under the truth serum they can ask you anything. Like where I am or if you know where I am. Its dangerous" I tell her. "Then obliviate me" she says. "What?" I ask. "Right before I go hit me with the oblivate spell" she says quietly. I laugh "I am not because then you wont know the other questions like if I am the one who killed them" I tell her. "I can give them the memory of that night" she says and sits up. "I have to get back into Hogwarts to get the pensieve!" She says and I sigh "you're not giving up are you!" I ask. "Nope. Im sending a letter to Albus" she says and gets up. She grabs some parchment and quickly writes down her letter before looking around for the owl. "Wheres Molly's owl?" She asks. "Umm flying to Remus" I tell her and she glares at me. "Sirius! Why did you send a letter without asking" she says. "Because Im a man?" I question. She mutters 'what am I going to do with you' under her breath and I smirk. "I know what you could do with me" I tell her. She looks at me and with one look I know to shut up. Women are scary.

Heyoo. I know updates are slow at times but its because I have school and stupid exams and HOMEWORK. Gahh, anyone know anything or any links about Thomas Jefferson bcuz I have to do a three paged paper on him. I used to write authors notes but I got lazy and figured nobody would read them because Im lame...oh weelllll.
Bye llama lovers!

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