Chapter one

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First year

"Jamsie!" I couldn't help but yell as I run around skipping. My brown pigtails flying behind me. "Stop being so immature!" James jokes and I shove him lightly, "You are one to talk." I flick his cheek before grabbing Remus by the arm and pulling him towards a seat. "Will you please show me what you're reading?" I beg Remus, tugging on his book. "Of course,"

Second year

"Sirius, please grab my book so I can study," I beg. "Nope, if you truly want to be a maruader you can't like books." Sirius laughs and I scowl. "James?" I ask and look at him. He sighs but hands me the book and I playfully kiss his cheek, causing him to fake an overly dramatic gag. "Whatever,"

Third year

"Leave him alone!" I yell at the three marauders who messed with my Slytherin friend. "Now," Lily adds. "You hear that snivillous?" Sirius laughs. I hex Sirius and help Severus down. "Leave me alone, you filthy mudblood" Severus glares at Lily and she gasps and runs off crying. "I didnt mean it." he whispers to me before 'stomping' off . I watch as my best friends become strangers in the blink of an eye.

Fourth year

"Go out with me, my beautiful lily-pad" James begs and for the thousandth time Lilz says no before walking away, muttering about him being a git. I ruffled his hair, "She'll come around and then I'll be the godmother of a beautiful baby Lily!" I smile "What if its a boy?" he laughs, I shrug. "Then I'll be stuck with another you" I joke. I poke Sirius before smiling at them and going to hang out with Sev.

Fifth year

I was officially a Marauder! I wasn't on the map but I didnt care. They finally left me alone about being Severus' friend because I told them I would hex them. He tended to stay away from me more, and even Lily had a hard time communicating with me.

Sixth year

Prongs still pestered Lily about dating him but she would never agree. I now find it hilarious to look through my photo album that is filled with pictures of me with the other marauders, some with me with them separately, or me with Lily and Sev before they stopped being friends. There were a few with me and sev alone. We have grown so much that it hurt my heart a little. I didnt wear those kiddy pigtails anymore, and I would say I've matured a lot—although James would beg to differ.

Seventh year

Everyone is worried about You-Know-who and the death eaters. Lily finally said yes to Prongs and they've been dating for the whole year so far, I know they'll last. Peter has been acting weird lately but Moony and Padfoot are just the same. "Remussssss." I squeal as he tickles me. "Stop or Ill hex you" I say in between breaths making him laugh and stop. "Have you mastered your animagus yet? I wanna see it so we can nickname you!" Padfoot says, brushing the hair out of my face. The small interact had me shivering, and I did not understand why.

I bolted awake at the small memories I had re-ran through my brain from my years at Hogwarts with my friends. I took a shaky breath and got up and went to the bathroom and splashed cool water on my face. I looked up at the mirror and felt a tear fall down my face. I have been in hiding for 15 years now. I live in the muggle world in a small apartment but still keep tabs on the wizarding world. I still use my magic and was more powerful now then ever before. Sirius had escaped Azkaban, which I am glad he did, but also confused. I know Sirius would never do anything to harm Lily and James, no matter what anyone says. I mean come on he is a Marauder. He's Padfoot! He would never do that. But dont let me get ahead of myself. My name is Cassandra Elle Britt. The Britts' were a well known Slytherin pureblood family, but of course me being me got into Gryffindor when I started Hogwarts and I was a regret to the family, just like my buddy Sirius Black. People typically call me Cassie or Cass. I have been in the muggle world for 15 years only because I was devastated when my two bestfriends were killed and my other bestfriend was framed for it. I could not take it so I left everyone but I know I need to go back because Voldemort is on the rise.

I sigh and turn the sink off and go to a piece of parchment and a quill. I had heard that the order had started up again and I needed to see Sirius because wherever he was Remus was.

Dear padfoot and Moony,

Long time, no see? I have missed you guys. You can tell from this letter that I'm not dead. I dont want to give to much away in case someone finds this message but I will find you guys because I have my ways of being sneaky to find things out.

Love Mit

I sent the letter using my owl. If your wondering why I am called Mit its because its short for Mittens so it doesnt give so much away. I plop down on my couch with my photo album from my young years. There was a few of Lily and James' child, Harry. I only hoped that he was okay since it has been so many years now.

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