chapter fourteen

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"Sirius let go! I have to go back to school and see Harry!" I yell. I was fully packed and ready to floo over to hogwarts but Sirius was holding onto me like a lost pun intended. "I love you though" he says softly. I turn and look at him to see him pouting. "You're going to leave me and Remus barely comes over" Sirius says. "Ill be stuck with Molly " he moans. I kiss him to make him shut up "I love you too" I say when we pull away. "But if you want to be a free man I need to talk to Albus at school so I need to go plus Harry is there" I tell him. "Its like you love Harry more than me!" Sirius says and I grab my bags and laugh quietly "You're jealous of a fifteen year old boy?" I question. He opens his mouth to speak but no words come out as he playfully glares. "Bye Siri" I whisper. I kiss him once more before stepping into the fireplace. "Hogwarts!" I say loudly. Im wearing a white lace dress with a belt at the waist and a pair of black heels that match my cloak. I land on my feet, luckily or it wouldve been embarrasing. I am attacked with a hug and I instantly knew it was Harry. "Aunt Cass! I missed you. Its been terrible without you Umbridge is ruining everything." Harry says quickly. I wrap my arms around him and ruffle his hair "Ive missed you too. I need to talk to Albus. Ill settle things with that toad later." I say and he smiles. I look up and see Hermione and Ron standing awkwardly. "Well come here you two" I smile kindly and they both grin and hug me. "Hey Cass. Im glad you're feeling better." Hermione says. "Yeah the whole school knows what happened" Ron adds. "Ron!" Hermione says and slaps him. "Its fine." I laugh. "Can I go with you to Dumbledores office?" Harry asks. "No I need to talk to him alone" I say and give him a small smile "But I'll tell you afterwards" I tell them. "But you must keep it a secret" I warn and they nod. "Oh and Hagrids back!" Hermione says. "What?" I ask. "What am I teaching?" I ask, they shrug. "Ask Dumbledore" they say in unison. "Ugh kids." I mutter. "Well I have to figure out where I will be sleeping too" I say. "Ooh you could room with me!" Harry says. I laugh "Im still a girl Harry and i would rather not be in a room full of boys" I tell him. "Ill see you guys later" I tell them and wave them goodbye. I wave my wand at my bags to lift them with the silent Wingardium Leviosa spell. "Wow you can do silent spells!" Hermione says. "Yes." I laugh, these kids love holding me up. "Can you please help us with our DA meetings!" She says. "What?" I ask. "Its Defansive against the dark arts but we made it stand for Dumbledores Army because thats what the Ministry fears the most" Ron says. "Hmm. You will have to explain later. I gotta go" I say and finally leave. Those kids know how to hold me up! I walk to Albus' office with my bags floating beside me. The doors open without me saying a password so he must be expecting me. "Cassandra. How are you?" He asks when I step in. "Im okay. I need to talk to you though." I tell him. "About what?" He asks and his eyes twinkle as I sit down in front of him. "Sirius, I want him to be a freeman. Do you think I could take the truth serum for the ministry and answer questions....somehow without giving Sirius away?" I ask. He looks at me skeptically. "I dont know Cass its very suspicious..." Albus trails off. "The ministry probably would think we're holding him somewhere." Albus says with a wink. "Yes true. But if I go to the ministry do you think they would let me?" I question. "How would he miraculously come out of hiding?" Albus asks. "He wont...." I trail off. "I see. Okay. Ill schedule you a meeting during Christmas break. Also you will be staying in the Gryffindor tower just in the extra room. It is reserved for you and has your name on the door" Albus says and snaps his fingers making my bags disappear. "Go to the Great Hall and eat" he says kindly. "Thank you" I say happily. I walk into the noisy Great Hall and lots of people looked over and started whispering. A few students came up and asked if I was okay. When I sat down Umbridge was glaring at me and McGonagall was trying to hide a smirk under her tight lined lips. "Hey why is Umbridge glaring at me like i burned Hogwarts down?" I whisper to her. "Oh she thought she could replace you...since she doesnt like you. But you came back" McGonagall says and I grin. "Of course. I had to make sure Harry was okay." I tell her and look around the Great hall for him. "He hasnt been in the great hall in awhile. I see Weasley and Granger bringing food to him all the time" McGonagall says. I drop my fork and stand up Have Harry and I drifted since I was in the coma that he didn't tell me whats wrong or is it because I just got back that he hasnt had time? I question to myself. "I need to go see him and talk. Thanks Proffesor" I thank her. "Anytime Cassandra just keep that boy out of trouble" she says lightly. I walk down the halls of Hogwarts until I get to the Gryffindor tower. It brought back so many memories.. "password" the fat lady says snapping me out of my daze. "Oh sorry I don't have the password but Im a professor here so cant you just let me in?" I question. "Cassandra Britt the one who was in the coma?" She asks I nod. "Hmm. I guess so only because I know you used to go to school hear and lots of students like your class." She says and lets me in. I climb in and see Hermione doing homework while Harry and ron copied from her. I sit on the couch unnoticed by them. "James and Sirius used to do that to me dont worry its a guy thing" I say to Hermione when she yells at the two boys for how they were going to fail. They all look up at me surprised "What?" I ask. "You're a professor your not supposed to tell us to cheat" Ron says. "Well you are not supposed to but you arent going to stop even if I told you to. If you fail your owls or even your newts it will be your fault." I tell them. Hermione gives me a smile and I wink at her when Harry and Ron groan and start doing there own work. "Harry" I say after awhile. "Come talk to me later, okay?" I ask. He nods "Im staying in a dorm by myself" I tell them. "Oh I saw it earlier! Its right beside my room." Hermione says. "Ill be down later" I announce and go upstairs. I see the door with 'Professor Britt' written on it. I open it and see all my things put away. I change into a pair of stretchy shorts and a baggy shirt since I wouldn't be going anywhere since all the classes are over. My hair had fallen out of its tight bun so I just let my brown curls hang out. My hair was getting long and if I am not careful Sirius will try and cut my hair. My heart tore at the thought of Sirius. What if he had to go back to Azkaban? This could make him become can never trust the ministry. Maybe he is better stuck inside "Oh who am I kidding. I can hear Sirius now begging me to get out of the house" I mutter aloud. I sigh before finally going back downstairs. Some of the students stared probably surprised that a professor would dress like this-I dont even have shoes on. I sat beside Harry who was alone now and he smiled at me. The amount of people in the common room started getting smaller until it was just Harry and I. "What happened that day I was hit with the spell?" I ask looking at the fire, it looked weirdly shaped but I was probably just tired. "Voldemort was seen by the ministry. He tried to penetrate my brain.." Harry says quietly and then looks at me. "You know I can't keep letting you in" he says almost harshly. "You're not my mother and you never will be." he says and stands up before running off. I felt a tear slide down my face so I press my face into my hands to stifle a sob. "Cassandra" I hear my name almost whispered. I look around but see nobody. "Fire" it whispers. I look at the fire and stare closely at the weird shape. I move closer until Im right in front of it. "Sirius?" I question. "Yes its me. I heard what he said...Im really sorry." He says quietly. "Its okay..." I trail off. "I wasnt trying to be his mother. I just cared about him" I cry and a tear falls down my face. "Its okay, love. I wish I could be there with you..." he trails off. "No ideas Sirius. Im fine." I sniffle. "Im going to bed. I love you" I tell him. I dont wait for his reply as I walk off to my room.

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