chapter twenty

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Cassies pov

I wake up to find myself on the living room couch being attacked by two devils, known as Fred and George. "WAKE UP WE ARE HEREEE" they call out and i groan. "No go away" i tell them and curl up into a ball. "Why are you on the couch?" I hear Hermione ask. I open my eyes to see Molly, Fred and George, Hermione, Ron and Harry, he probably went upstairs. "I couldnt sleep last night so I came down here and passed out on the couch" I say sheepishly. "You could've woken me up, I wouldve kept you company" Sirius says with a wink. "Wait are you two dating?" Ron asks. "Nawwww." Fred and George chorus and Ron looks down, embarrased for asking. "Im going to cook" Molly says before walking out. Someone apparates into the livingroom and we all look up. "What are you doing here Albus?" I question. He smiles "Well I got your letter that you sent and Im here to take your memory to the ministry. I brought a tube to put it in" he tells me and shows it to me. I grab my wand and quickly extract the memory and place it in the small tube and he grabs my elbow. "Lets apparate" he says and then we are spinning in circles before landing at the Ministry. "Albus" someone greets him and shakes his hand. He smiles kindly before we walk into Fudges office...hmmm Fudge...Im hungry. I snapped out of my thoughts as Albus starts talking to the minister. He instantly shot a glare in my direction when he heard the name 'Sirius Black'. "Absolutely not" he states when he hears what we want to do. "Please sir, just look at my memory. If you dont like it I'll leave." I beg him. He sighs and grabs the memory from Albus' hand. He pulls a pensieve out and pours the memory into it. "I cant believe im doing this" he mutters before popping his head in. "That was way easier than expected. I think its because Im a Britt" I whisper to Albus who's eyes were sparkling in amusement. We waited for five minutes before Fudge comes out looking worried. "Oh gosh he is innocent." He says and looks at me. "I didnt know you were there." He adds. I nod and look up with a hopeful smile "So is Sirius Black a free man? Maybe he will come out of hiding if're going to have to post it around." I tell him. He nods "Ill see what I can do" he says softly. "Thank you!" I exclaim. Albus bids him fairwell before apparating us back. "Thank you so much Albus" I tell him once we get back. I run up to Sirus' room to find him just getting out of the shower. He had a towel wrapped around his waist, but I still threw myself onto his wet body. "Sirius!" I exclaim and slam my lips onto his. He seemed utterly confused for a moment before he wrapped one hand around my waist while holding his towel with the other as he deepened the passionate snog. "Cass can I-" "AHHHHHH" I hear the twins say with each other. I pull away and see Fred and George running out the room. I laugh before shutting the door. "Sooo why so happy that I cant dress first?" Sirius asks. "Not complaining though." He adds. "You're going to be free Siri!" I explain. "What?" He asks and his eyes go wide. I smile "You're welcome" I tell him. "I love you" he says and kisses my cheek. "I love you too. Now get dressed before you seduce me" I joke but was kind of serious and not that Sirius. He chuckles before putting on his clothes. "Come on lets go see how scarred the twins are" I laugh, Sirius nods and we walk downstairs hand in hand. "Fred, George?" I question as we walk into the living room to see them looking pale. "Are you guys okay?" I ask, laughing. "You guys are sick!" George says. "Oh be quiet. You probably do the same at school" Sirius tells him. "Hey! We are good kids" Fred defends and George smirks at that comment. "Okay while you boys bicker I am going to take a shower" I announce. Sirius gets up and I laugh "No Sirius. There are too many people here" I tell him with a wink. "Dammit" Sirius curses before sitting back down. I go upstairs and when I turn the corner for my room, well Sirius' room since Ive been sleeping in there, I run into someone. I stumbled while they fell. I look down and saw Harry "Oh sorry" I say quietly not looking at his eyes. "Aunt Cass-" he starts but I cut him off. "Im sorry Ill get out of your way" I tell him and walk off to my room. I cant bare looking at his face. I grab a pair of lace underwear and bra before grabbing some stretchy shorts and a random shirt because i am not in the mood to please anyone. I take a quick shower and put my clothes on before fishtail braiding my hair to the side. I walk out the bathroom and go downstairs to see Harry, Ron and Hermione whispering on the couch to each other. The adults must have been in the kitchen. I go in there and find Sirius, Remus and Molly sitting around the table talking. "Remus?" I question. He looks up and smiles at me. "Hey Mitt." He says. I sit in between Sirius and Remus and listen to them talk. "So after Christmas we will go back and-" Molly kept going on but I stopped paying attention because Sirius was trailing his hand up my leg. Guys are so annoying....*sighs.*

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