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Ava woken up, feeling exhausted from taking care of Kai, who was still unconscious. The boy was laying on a palate of blankets, sweating from a terrible fever. Azura was no where to be seen, which worried Ava but she brushed it off, making her way out of the tent. The sun peeked through the rather large pine trees making the forest warm. Ava walked to the nearby river and collected water to make some herbal tea for Kai to heal him. She opened the book and found the perfect recipe to make the tea.

"Perfect. Now to find those ingredients," Ava muttered, looking at the images of the items needed.

She began to walk around the forest, looking around the ground for the mushrooms and berries to make the tea. Suddenly, a sound caught her attention, making her look around, having her sword ready in her hands. More movement in the thicket stressed the girl then a hooded childlike figure ran passed the girl.

"Kid wait!" Ava called, running after the child.

Ava caught the kid, who struggled in her arms. "Hey calm down. What's your name little girl?"

"My name is Miya," the little brunette child said, her hood falling off. "Who are you?"

"My name is Ava. I'm a er.... I'm a knight," Ava lied. "What are you doing in this forest? How did you even get in?"

The girl just stared at Ava, not wanting to tell her the truth. Ava seemed to be more alert and looked around the forest. Several hooded figures came out of the thicket and Ava handed a dagger to the child. The people had swords and clubs, seeming to be aiming their anger towards Ava. They began to approach making Ava back up with Miya behind her. One of the people attacked, causing Ava to go back into the trance, attacking back. Miya watched with amazement, not knowing what to do.

"Miss Ava watch out!" Miya exclaimed, throwing the dagger at the people approaching Ava from behind.

Ava turned then slashed her sword at the man, causing him to fall. Blood splattered on Ava's face but she didn't seem to notice. The others ran off, leaving Ava surrounded by unconscious or dead bodies. She dropped the tip of her sword to the ground, panting softly.

"Ava!" Azura exclaimed, running to the still woman and the crying child.

"Help miss Ava! She's in a trance of some sorts!" Miya exclaimed, grabbing Azura's arm.

Kai stumbled out of the forest, holding his side. "Ava," he said, catching the girls attention. Ava gazed up, shock written all over her face. She couldn't believe that Kai was awake and looking better than he had the last few days.


"So you're saying this kid just showed up out of nowhere and you saved her from those bandits?" Kai asked before taking a sip of the tea that Ava made.

"Yes. Her name is Miya," the woman said, gently petting the child's hair as she slept on Ava's lap.

Ava gazed down and saw bruises littering the child'd arms and some on her face. This seemed to worry the girl who showed Kai and Azura. Suddenly, a pair of butterfly like wings stretched as the little girl sat up, yawning. None of the group could believe that this little girl was a fairy. Azura seemed awestruck, having researched fairies which were supposedly extinct.

"Oh my god you're a fairy?!" Azura exclaimed excitedly, grabbing the girls hands.

"I um..... I guess I am," Miya muttered, nervous about the group. "Why are you guys in the elf forest? I thought it was forbidden for anyone to come in here who doesn't have magic?"

"Well, Ava here is the reborn queen. Me and Azura are elves," Kai stated. "You're the evil queens daughter correct?"

"Yes I am. She got mad when I got my wings. I ran away after she scared me."

The group walked through the forest, heading towards the elf kingdom, or rather what was left of it. Ava approached the ruins of the gate, seeing the decaying stones. Wonder overtook her as well as sadness. She went in, ignoring the elves and the fairy waiting outside.

Heyo everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in forever. I've been busy with my trade but I promise that I will be updating more soon. All my authors notes will be within the chapters as to not freeze up my phone and computer. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next time.


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