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      "So what's next on the list?" Azura asked, sharpening her sword by the stream they were resting at. 

    "We have the handle so we should shoot for the blade," Kai said, looking at his map.

    Ava was further down the stream, bathing for the first time in a few days. She reached for her towel then got our wrapping the fabric around herself. A sound caught her ears but she brushed it off and put on a clean pair of clothes. She heard the sound again so she reached for her sword. She immediately blocked the blow coming from the dwarf who jumped out of the tree above her.

   "That was quick," Caspian chuckled. "I'd enjoy talking more but I have a mission to complete."

    "I'd like to see you try little dwarf," Ava said, her voice sounding different. 

   Caspian pounced. but was blocked by Ava. Hearing the commotion, Azura, Kai, and Miya ran over. Azura stuck her arms out, stopping them. Arthur snuck behind Caspian then struck him with a frying pan. The dwarf dropped to the ground unconscious. Arthur leaned against the tree next to him, holding his ribs, coughing into his hand.

    "You should be resting," Azura said, running to the man and stared up at him with worry. 

    "They totally like each other," Miya stated, gagging.

   "Indeed," Kai chuckled.

   Ava stood, staring down at her attacker. She noticed old wounds on him and he was dirty like he was living in squalor. "Let's go before he wakes up." The group nodded then they walked away. Azura was helping Arthur walk, speaking with him. 

     "Something is happening to Ava," Kai said to the members of the group that were awake. 

    "It may be dealing with the book," Azura pointed out. "You said that trance has happened before...... Maybe it's the soul of the old queen."

     "It is possible," Arthur muttered. "The old king researched a lot about the prophecy before he and Queen Mira split up."

    The three looked towards the sleeping Ava and Miya. Ava's hair was even changing as well as her appearance. Kai stood abruptly then walked off. He was worried for his friend but was also upset. He leaned against a tree, his arms folded across his chest. His eyes gazed up, seeing the night sky. Something suddenly dropped down on his back, knocking him onto the ground. A hand covered his mouth and a dagger was placed on his neck.

    "Scream or say a word and I'll kill you right here," A gruff sounding voice said. 

    Kai was tied up then gagged. The guy revealed himself to be the dwarf from earlier that day. "Up now," the guy growled, kicking Kai's side. Kai stood then was pushed forward by Caspian. 


     Kai sat in his new cell, anger present on his beaten face. He glared up at the soldiers who were interrogating the elf. A woman walked up then the soldiers moved out of the way. A black crown rested on her head, revealing her to be the evil queen.

     "I remember you," She chuckled. "You're the son of the elven inventor I had executed."

   Mira walked around the chained up elf who grew furious. "You aren't to bad looking in the face if you weren't so beaten," Mira joked wickedly, grabbing Kai's chin.

    "Yeah fuck you," Kai spat out angrily

    "With pleasure little elf," Mira retorted sarcastically. "Guards, show him who the real queen truly is."

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