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One more day and one more action not bound by morality... Although, no, because the day is not over yet, Jonathan should correct his statement - two morally bankrupt actions in a day!

First - robbing a store, possibly causing an innocent woman to lose their job. And secondly he tricked and blackmailed a little girl...

Shit, that's enough Jonathan, this is definitely not the time to think morbid thoughts. Actually what is it with showers and suicidal thoughts anyway? Rinsing off the last of the suds on his hair, Jonathan shakes his head and leaves the shower.

As he stands in the bathroom, naked, looking at his other set of clothes, folded in a tub next to the door. It was quite the blessing that the hotel not only had its own laundry service - not free unfortunately - but that he had shown an enviable amount of foresight by another pair of clothes. His other pair, sadly being quite unwearable.

Sighing, Jonathan quickly dried himself off with a towel before tying up his dark hair. He styled it by gathering it in a small ponytail, his hair length descending just below the shoulder blades. He then puts on the clothing that he had bought not so long ago, a plain white T-shirt without a single inscription and a pair of blue jeans, the most common and ordinary kind of clothing that Jonathan could imagine, bought, in fact, for precisely this reason.

As he finished putting on his clothes he looked at the door that leads to his bedroom, and the small child probably still waiting on him. Not that way you perverts!

The child was one of the most suitable sources of information for him at the moment. A child, especially a frightened child , no matter how immoral it sounds was the perfect source of information. First, the child will ask fewer if any questions even if Jonathan were to ask simple things that 'everyone' should already know of. In fact if he can make it look like a 'test' of sorts, then he's golden. Secondly, even if the child starts asking questions, it would be much easier for Jonathan to explain his motivation and ignorance by inventing some kind of lie. And third, a child would explain things to Jonathan in a more simple language than an adult, discounting the need for previously learned knowledge.

And of course, one should not forget that if the child was feeling intimidated at the moment, then the likelihood that they would eventually tell the hotel manager about his questions was almost nonexistent.

Although, for a second a question flashed through Jonathan's mind. Why was Cinder so afraid of Jonathan telling this 'Miss Sunny', which he assumed was a manager of sorts, about the incident? It didn't take long for Jonathan to instantly dismiss these thoughts from himself. Judging by the fact that she worked here, she was a daughter or, perhaps, a younger relative of the manager. And for children, a frustrated adult was worse than any monster.

Smirking at this line of thought, Jonathan himself could easily remember how much he was afraid of the old man's anger when he accidentally smeared his favorite book with paints... Though really, what was the old man thinking? There was no need to leave paints next to a five-year-old child!

In any case, after getting out of the bathroom, Jonathan's eyes were immediately drawn to the other figure in his bedroom. Cinder was standing next to the bed, looking at the floor and shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot. Seeing the very nervous-looking child, he decided to defuse the situation a little.

"No need to be afraid, I'm not gonna bite. I was just very surprised that you were standing next to the bed... " Realizing just how badly what he just said sounded, Jonathan tried to continue speaking so that the conversation wouldn't end there.

"So, you help here with the housework? Maybe for the summer?"

After Jonathan finished speaking, Cinder only frowned, truly feet in mouth Jonathan.

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