Among the throngs of the most conspicuous and significant, the most powerful and influential people in the world who had decided to join forces to solve the 'Mantle Problem', Professor Ozpin's name seemed especially eye-catching.
To be precise, the name made anyone who's reading the list of guests wonder.
"What is Professor Ozpin doing there?"
Of course anyone could understand that once a general summit was announced, each state had to send a representative, a Councillor at least, the highest authority worthy of representing their state. From that point of view, Professor Ozpin, a Vale Councillor, albeit in the position of Academy Headmaster, satisfied those conditions quite well.
But... Why him?
It was only logical to assume that a Foreign Policy and Diplomacy Advisor would be more appropriate – why send to Atlas a Headmaster whose most well-known characteristic is his outstanding fighting power? Especially for a diplomatic event?
This question had many analysts around the world pondering before the only logical and coherent theory emerged in their minds.
Vale was sending the least busy and most unsuitable Councilman because it had little interest in the outcome of the Summit. Simultaneously, it had also sent the only Councilman who could realistically survive any attempt on his life. Something which, by all accounts, Vale had at least not discounted, if not anticipated.
Funnily enough, the powerful and those privy to the mysteries of this world were also interested in the same issue, if for wildly different reasons. After all, it costs Ozpin nothing to send another Councillor to Atlas, playing a peculiar show for the watchers whilst staying in the shadows, as he always did.
So why did Ozpin need to appear at the summit in person?
The possibility they arrived at, was halfway the same as those less informed, Ozpin had indeed expected that there would be an assassination attempt. The only difference would be that the perpetrator of the act wouldn't be some jilted Mantle terrorist, but his eternal enemy, Salem, that would strike at the summit.
And Ozpin was too interested in a certain outcome of the summit to allow that to happen.
A fear realistic enough that he would be present personally to prevent such a thing from happening. After all, as much as he likes to act in the background away from prying eyes, Ozpin remained an incredibly powerful Hunter.
Perhaps his magic was weakening day by day, generation by generation, and with a new player on the big stage, a new mage, he no longer looked as powerful a wizard. But therein lay Ozpin's little cunning, his trap for anyone thinking that he's now weak.
He didn't need to be a mage to destroy his enemies.
Anyone that would be analyzing Ozpin for threats, would see his arm reaching far out even from his tall tower, his web stretching across the world. They would look for his plans, and the plans within plans, as it changes and flows into each other so quickly that, at times, it was impossible to even predict what Ozpin was actually planning. They would be dazzled by his performance and could forget the fact that Ozpin had earned his position in the world not only through his intelligence – but through his very impressive combat experience and fighting abilities as well.
Of course, Ozpin, as headmaster and mastermind, didn't have time to train daily and was locked in his tower most of the time. But, when you have survived thousands and thousands of years in a variety of environments – you'll find that you've learned a most extensive arsenal of the most varied of skills.

So it is done
FanficWhat does it mean, to be a good man? Who is "good"? What is "good"? Tell me, Jonathan Goodman, o blessed scion of Order of Hermes. Tell me, what does your name mean. Tell me about your life. Tell me about your Order. Tell me, what good did you do? T...