Slowly, Jonathan put aside the peacefully snoring Cinder on the bed, moving her from his knees to the bed proper. But, as soon as he tried to leave, Cinder, even when lulled by a lullaby, the only lullaby that Jonathan knew, immediately began tossing and turning. Her hand started roaming around erratically, as if trying to find Jonathan with her hands. All even though Jonathan hadn't really moved anywhere...
Jonathan stopped moving, looking at the sleeping Cinder crunching her eyes as if in deep concentration, completely confused even through sleep. Jonathan watches for a while as Cinder waved her hands somewhere next to her, trying desperately to find something.
With a great big sigh, Jonathan took a seat on the bed next to sleeping Cinder. He then put his hand on Cinder's forehead. Who, somehow knowing that the hand's was Jonathan's, immediately stopped tossing and turning. In contrast with her previous unsettled state, she instantly calmed down and returned into deep sleep.
Jonathan could not resist, and ran his hand softly through the girl's hair.
Ha... Where is his life going?
Jonathan has struggled with the thought lately about how strange, even wrong, perhaps, his life has turned. He did it so many times before, spending sleepless nights again and again with the troubled thoughts, that right now he didn't even want to think about it at all. He didn't need another senseless and sleepless night of beating a dead horse and then shaking his fist in the air with a hysterical cry 'How long will he need to endure this?!'.
He had already experienced a couple of these, and therefore could confidently declare that they end the same and that he would not receive anything new from doing it again.
So rather than brooding, again, Jonathan just sighed, doing his best to chase away another wave of melancholic discourse about the fate of unfortunate children.
So... Money. Done.
The documents are almost done, but Jonathan should have tracked Bor and got the documents in his hands right now and checked their legitimacy. Trusting the corrupt racist was not really a good idea.
Removing the collar from Cinder. In progress.
Jonathan then examined Cinder one more time before moving his gaze to the pendant on Cinder's neck. A pendant that had fallen to one side in her sleep.
Haha, another experiment! Only in this experiment, Jonathan had no margin for error.
Jonathan tried to pull his cloak closer to himself to reassure himself of his future success. Before quickly realizing that his trusty cloak was hanging on a hanger near the entrance right now. And so, for a lack of any other piece of clothing, shrugged his shoulders a little.
Next, distilling the quintessence necessary was... problematic. Not to say that it was too much of a problem for Jonathan per se.
While it may not exactly be a process that can be done by beginners, it is not something that is impossible to do either. Jonathan has managed to do such a process in the past several times. A couple while under the supervision of either his teachers, or his Old Man, and some that he had done on his own in secret.
The only problem that he had in the real world... Though, could Jonathan use that word when comparing this world and Earth at all? This world seemed as real to him as Earth did... A thought for another time.
The only problem he might have had, was that in the past quintessence was not an easy thing to find, so he had gotten used to working with rather small amounts of quintessence... A quantity that once seemed large to him.

So it is done
FanfictionWhat does it mean, to be a good man? Who is "good"? What is "good"? Tell me, Jonathan Goodman, o blessed scion of Order of Hermes. Tell me, what does your name mean. Tell me about your life. Tell me about your Order. Tell me, what good did you do? T...