King and Queen

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Once upon a time, Ghira Belladonna's father, the wisest man Ghira had ever known, Ka Belladonna, created the White Fang. And from then on, the White Fang were an integral part of Faunus society, even when Menagerie were born, the White Fang were there.

He had created it after the most devastating war in Remnant's history, where the following weeks felt like decades, and where important events seemed to be happening all the time. Events that's so cluttered, it could be analyzed for years without ever grasping the complexity of the interconnections, each of which entailed, no, causes dominoes to fall that made the years seem to go on and on.

First the Great War led to the death of the best sons of their generation, the best children of all Remnant to die an ignominious death. A four-year-long war that took the lives of millions, a senseless massacre borne out of a senseless argument writ large.

How many soldiers can Mantle field? Mistral? Vale? Vacuo?

During the Great War, Remnant, for the first time in its history, knew the answer to that question. For the first time in ever, armies of millions marched on Remnant.

A war that killed ten percent of Remnant's entire population, whether by bullets, famine, disease, and then, the Grimm came and killed some more.

Remnant still hasn't recovered from that tragedy, and probably never will. For a society that was always on the brink of collapse, the Great War almost completely tore it asunder.

People, humans, were dying on the war fronts, day by day entire armies melted like snow. And so, the powers that be, began to wonder...

Mistral was the first.

Why send our sons, noble men who are destined to be great, when instead we can sacrifice the faunus instead?

Of course, what a brilliant idea these educated men thought. The faunus were only half-intelligent savages, after all, kept for centuries as second-call citizens to serve humans, but can they not, with all their savage fury, do what our soldiers do at the front? Give them weapons and point them at the enemy, and they will fight.

Besides, isn't it time for them to pay back the human's kindness by allowing them to live amongst them in the first place?

It's easy to forget now, with Faunus living side by side with humans, even with their relations sour as it is, but in the not so distant past, the Faunus were segregated. Outside the walls of cities and out of sight.

With promises of better treatment and privileges should they enlist, is it any wonder that the Faunus joined the war effort in droves. Then again some Kingdom, Mantle, didn't even give the illusion of choice.

And so Mistral's army, then on the back foot, barely able to stop Vale's onslaught on the capital, suddenly inflicted a heavy defeat on General Lagoon, pushing Vale's main forces away from the seemingly already defenseless Mistral.

It didn't take a genius to figure out why the General had lost.

Soon, the news of Mistral's successes spread around Remnant, and the generals of the world slapped their collective hands on their forehead.

The faunus, of course! How could they forget such a large contingent of battle-ready adult men and women?

The faunus were pretty much conscripted into the service. Under human command, serving as special units and, when needed, as a meat shield or distraction.

For a short time this seemed to the commanders the ideal solution. Why hadn't they thought of this sooner?

Mantle's faunus brought in as laborers for the mines? The faunus of Mistral, straight from the rice paddies? The faunus of Vacuo, languishing under the heat of the plantations? All became millions of new soldiers ready for service.

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