To be honest, Jonathan liked being the Director of his own Hunter Academy, although admitting it to himself made Jonathan feel a little self-conscious every time. It was a simple reason really, being a Director is such a simple job, even when it's dealing with Hunters-in-training, teenagers not really being known for not getting in trouble. When compared to his usual job as head of a government, researching the mysteries of the universe, and complex moral reasoning... It's like day and night.
Of course, it could be argued that the Directors of the Hunter Academies, Ozpin comes to mind, had the most complex of jobs, being almost directly responsible in keeping the world safe from the Grimm. Well, even with one, two, if he was included, who have very complex jobs outside of it, an Academy Director's job was quite simple.
It was as if it was Jonathan's very own oasis of calm, in which he could, for a moment, abandon all other problems and issues in his life. What perpetual war with Salem?! I just had a teacher fall ill and need a replacement urgently! Contact me in a week!
Right now, for example, as Jonathan moved his hand to the side, as if mimicking the actions of a shameless salesman at an exhibition. That is playing the part of a tour guide, explaining the various facilities to a hotel. "Here are the training halls, it's divided into three parts. The first, is for standard physical training, adapted to the abilities of Hunters, of course. It's open from eight o'clock in the morning until eight o'clock in the evening, and you can use the facilities as soon as you receive your keycard after your enrollment."
Jonathan then paused for a second, checking to see if the prospective students were paying attention before continuing.
"The second, is a training hall for practicing combat skills in simulated combat situations using robots, specially designed in Mantle. Of course, these robots have been modified to allow for their unrestricted use in training, meaning they are not armed with anything lethal. But, even so, students should take suitable precautions, and remember that a 'pneumatic' gun does not mean a 'painless' gun. For that very reason, access to this area will be available only after the first six months of schooling, and while under supervision. For unsupervised use? Not until the very end of your second year, or early by a teacher's recommendation if some students prove exemplary."
Now, Jonathan could see that some of the prospective students were even excited about the concept of fighting robots. Some things just remain constant, even across realities.
"The third arena is the most for specialized training, and so the most dangerous at the same time. It's reserved for training in real-life combat against Grimm and even combat androids with live ammo and equipment. Since there's a chance for aggravated injuries and even death, you won't be seeing the insides of this room before your Third Year. And that's only when with an instructor's explicit permission, and only when they are also present to monitor."
As soon as the words 'Fight' and 'Grimm' were uttered, Jonathan could see the more rambunctious and confident of this year's batch of future students hatching plans on defeating the Arena's security. Just like every year, it was time to pop their bubbles.
"Now, while I could see that some of you are excited about training against Grimm, and were planning to bypass the security lock on the door to the training room, you would only be met by an empty room. We don't keep Grimm or combat robots on premise. So think carefully about whether a personal conversation with me in my office about your further training at this Academy is worth it just to look at the empty, reinforced walls of this training room."
And there it goes, nothing like threatening expulsions to keep the students in line.
"To dispel your curiosity – I will even open this training ground for you at this moment."

So it is done
FanfictionWhat does it mean, to be a good man? Who is "good"? What is "good"? Tell me, Jonathan Goodman, o blessed scion of Order of Hermes. Tell me, what does your name mean. Tell me about your life. Tell me about your Order. Tell me, what good did you do? T...