Jonathan was in a bad mood, which was to be expected.
The past few days, he couldn't get any rest. That didn't mean he didn't want to sleep – it meant that he couldn't sleep.
And so why am I in Vacuo now?
Vacuo was a place Jonathan didn't like, which is no surprise.
No one liked Vacuo, to put it bluntly and honestly.
Wrapping himself tighter in his cloak, only barely able to hide his figure from the cold winds of the night desert. Jonathan took a step out of the back alley, finding himself in a street that could even be called almost civilized – a rarity, as paving stones and streetlights were scarce in Vacuo. The small island of civilization in the middle of a desert oasis was a hard place to reach for resources to enter easily.
There were few passers-by on the street this late at night – but Jonathan still pulled the rags wrapped around his face a little more, trying to hide as many features of his appearance as possible. In Glenn, such a garb would have raised many questions – but not in Vacuo.
Tight clothing that hid any facial features were in fashion in Vacuo - acting as protection from the endless sand that rose with every gust of wind and from prying eyes.
Bandits went to Mistral to do business – and to Vacuo to get away from any attention from their business.
In Vacuo, people didn't ask each other what they'd done in the past or where their scars came from.
So why are we here, Jonathan?
I... I don't know.
As to why Jonathan was in Vacuo? To see the Grimm horde in person?
No, he could have done that from the comfort of his own office.
To meet Raven?
Just one ritual and a portal would be open with free passage on both sides.
So why?
Jonathan had no answer to that question... except maybe one.
I just had to have a look.
At what?
To that question... Jonathan didn't know the answer at all.
A collision made Jonathan wobble, barely having time to put out his cane to prevent himself from falling. "Don't just stand on the road like a damn idiot! Bloody cripples, wasting ever..."
Huh, well at least they don't act like they're about to lick my boot here...
Following the advice of the still cursing passerby, whose face he could not see, Jonathan leaned on his cane and started walking while looking around.
Lantern poles illuminated the surrounding street, highlighting the various names and signs of shops, doors and windows, behind which one could see people and faunus.
"Hotel," Read one of the signs, but for some reason without a name for the establishment.
"At least you can tell right away what's in the building's for." Jonathan sighed, then looked at the building more closely. It was... not stunning to put it bluntly, but at least it didn't look decrepit. Seeing a suitable place for his stay in Vacuo, Jonathan walked towards it, his cane tapping all the while.
Why? What are you expecting to find in a city in the middle of nowhere?
The wooden door, as if from some movie about the past, creaked a little as Jonathan opened it. The view before Jonathan's eyes was so strikingly different from what he had expected that he couldn't help but pause in his steps.

So it is done
FanfictionWhat does it mean, to be a good man? Who is "good"? What is "good"? Tell me, Jonathan Goodman, o blessed scion of Order of Hermes. Tell me, what does your name mean. Tell me about your life. Tell me about your Order. Tell me, what good did you do? T...