Jonathan had always considered himself to be a clever man, and therefore he had always grasped his weaknesses and strengths precisely. One cannot thrive in the Order without becoming one after all.
And after three years juggling many responsibilities, he had to become acutely aware of each and one of them.
His main strengths, his trump card, were his ability to teleport. But after the past three years, he had added some more abilities to his deck of cards. He can now create portals, artifacts, even some degree of healing, and even some ability to modify human beings... Of course so far, he has only had success with himself, and further experimentation might be... somewhat unethical.
He was good at communicating with people, especially with children, and might even be passable as an educator. His stocks of Lien almost seem to be endless these days, and his position allows him a lot of leverage and influence, was very rich and influential. Of course, his actions are still dependent on the people's love for him, and he's still constrained by some conditions. Still his ability to solve problems, as esoteric as they might come, are par to none in Mount Glenn.
Of course, that does mean that he has to become hands one in the on goings of the Kingdom of Glenn. Whether it was the Kingdom's lack of Dust or even Menagerie's political crisis.
Thankfully, the latter solved itself. Almost by accident really, and almost without any input on his part, but the fact remained.
In the three years since he had become King, a lot has been achieved. He had his own laboratory and research institute now, even a hospital, a school, and an orphanage in his name...
When he looked back to where he had started, a nameless, penniless, lost magician, he could see that he had achieved much. When compared to himself in the past, it is as if he had gone along the long, long way of self-discovery and achieved more than he could ever dream of.
And yet, Jonathan was not perfect.
In contrast to his strengths, Jonathan's greatest problems were three things.
First was his physical body. The wounds he had sustained that day might one day be fully healed... But not now. And the scars definitely showed its effect on his daily life.
Second were his political experience, or more its practical non-existence. This problem existed long before Jonathan was declared king, and to this day he still finds that he has difficulty grasping its intricacy. No, he knew the theory, but had no practice actually using it at all. In a way, Jonathan was even glad for that fact, no matter the headaches his inexperience had caused him. Knowing his lack of ability in this matter, he decided to delegate the duty.
At least he was glad to be untainted by the political squabbles of the Order, and now, state-level politics. Which, however, did not mean that it stopped being a problem just because he had decided to be more hands-off in the matter.
And yet, Jonathan's third problem was the biggest of all.
It was not because Jonathan was somewhat crippled, nor because of his inexperience in politics, that see him sitting now in his workshop, feeling the otherwise quite comfortable chair digging into his back.
He was almost like a madman examining the small notebook on his desk, filled with notes and his own jotted notes again and again, desperately searching for an easy solution where it couldn't appear.
Jonathan couldn't say that his experience hadn't changed him. As the euphoria of his victory wore off, Jonathan was confronted by the reality of his situation. Those things that his disability had brought him.

So it is done
أدب الهواةWhat does it mean, to be a good man? Who is "good"? What is "good"? Tell me, Jonathan Goodman, o blessed scion of Order of Hermes. Tell me, what does your name mean. Tell me about your life. Tell me about your Order. Tell me, what good did you do? T...