A Date But Not A Date

442 19 12

Sorry for the late update
I had some family issues
and just started work up
again but everything is fine
now so I'll try to update
sooner I may have to make
the chapters shorter to
get them out faster but I'll see

Also sorry I lied Kate's
friends will not be
in this chapter I
decided to add more
to this one but I
swear they will be
in the next chapter

"What were you doing?"

"Oh, I was showing my dad a funny video of me wiping out on my skateboard." Kate said as she walked over to the headstone. Yelena followed.

"He loved getting video of everyone's wipeouts. He would add them to a file so that when you accomplished that thing or felt down, he would show them to you so you could see how far you've come or just to make you laugh. So when I get one, I come and show him." Kate said a little shyly.

Yelena just stared at the girl in front of her.

"You probably think it's weird, but I think this is how he wants to be remembered." Kate chuckled.

"It is odd to say the least. But that is because I have never really seen something like this."  Yelena explained.

"Yeah, it kinda is, but it also makes me feel better. Like he's actually there listening. You know what I mean?" Kate asked. Yelena nodded yes. There was a moment of silence.

"Well, now that's out of the way.-" Kate put her hand on the back of the headstone.

"Yelena meat my dad and dad meat Yelena. She was the one I was telling you about earlier." She said. Yelena looked at Kate for a second then to the headstone. She read the name on the it.

"Hello, Derek Bishop." Yelena felt a little weird doing this, but the slight smile that made its way across Kate's lips made it all worth it.

"Thank you." Was all that Kate could say. Yelena gave the girl a genuine smile.

"Well, I need to wrap this up before I get yelled at aging. If you don't mind waiting for a second, then we can set a time to meet. If you don't want to, that's fine too." Kate offered as she Squatted down, grabbing her backpack.

Yelena decided to stay because she was interested in what the girl was doing.

Kate pulled a few things from her bag. She got up and laded a jacket over the headstone.

"So I got you that coat you like. I know how cold it gets so. And-" Kate reached into her bag again.

"I got your favor from Gilbert diner." Kate unwrapped what looked to be a burrito.

"The bacon breakfast burrito with extra bacon and cheese. Oh, I also got you a lemonade." Kate put the food on the ground and then pulled a bottle out.

Kate and her father would come and visit the Bartons ever now and again. Derek would take Kate to the diner before they left for home. So when she could, she would bring him his favorite.

Kate opened the bottle up and let the liquid fall to the ground.

"This would be the only yellow snow you should eat." Kate said jokingly. Yelena cracked a smile at that.

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