Away For Christmas

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So there this tree things
I want to say/talk about

So first off ya boy fucking snapped at work and put her two week notice in after getting yelled at by my manager for the forth time in one day and that was after being left alone to do a 3 man job when I asked to not even work in that area bc my knees were killing me that morning so yeah after I got yelled at I straight up walked out and took a 2 hour lunch leaving her alone then right after lunch I put my two weeks in all I have to say is my manager is lucky I didn't just quit on the spot I mean I was already going put my two weeks in but I was going to wait till after the holidays but that obviously was my last straw so yeah

Secondly I hope you enjoy this little story time I have never witnessed anyone gay panic because of me I'm the one that usually gay panics so when I was working it was around 6:30-6:40am so the store was quiet and not that many customers as well so I easily heard this girl and her grandpa talking she said something along the lines of 'not that grandpa I'm looking for-' as she walked around the corner where I was and of course I look up because hearing -I'm looking for- is something I hear a lot so I was thinking oh when they see me they're going to ask where that 'something' is so we make eye contact and I shit you not what happened next was straight out of a fan fic she stopped dead in her tracks and we just stared at each other for a moment (I was so tired that I had nothing going on in my brain so it wasn't processing what was even happening) then her grandpa came around the corner saying 'what is it you're looking for' this made her look around for a way out and she ended up pushing him back the way they just came from I fucking looked behind me thinking someone she knew was there but there was no one and that's when it hit me what had happened I laughed to myself because I could totally see myself doing that but the best part was I could hear the man say 'what was that about' she then said 'it's not down that way' and a few minutes later I had moved down a section and heard from the old man 'I thought you said it wasn't down this way' I couldn't quite hear the rest of the conversation because I couldn't stop laughing and of course one of my coworkers came down the same
section I was in
-now a little bonus-
I was wearing black pants, purple doc high tops and a purple long sleeve with a black and purple lucky the pizza dog shirt over it so obviously I had an an unmatched fit
jk 🤣

Now lastly this was supposed
to be a short chapter but
that didn't happen so yeah
I hope you enjoy this
very long chapter

The girls sat comfortably together on the couch in the warehouse. They had been playing video games for a few hours.

Kate grumbled under breath as she lost for the hundredth time that night.

"I thought you said you were going to win Bishop." Yelena said with a hardy laugh. The younger girl rolled her eyes.

"I'm making a false sense of security. Then, when the moment is right, I'll strike." With the last two words said, Kate was pouncing on Yelena.

"Ugh. Get off. I do not fraternize with losers." Yelena said trying to push the girl off of her.

Kate gasped as if the blonde's words had truly hurt her. Her hand came up dramatically to rest on her chest.

"To only be a burden to the hottest Russian in the world. Please forgive me." Kate hung from Yelena's shoulder. Yelena sat there looking very annoyed at the younger girl.

"Oh, if only god would strike me dead for my unforgivable acts." The younger girl said as her hands moved to her forehead and fell backward. She hadn't realized how close she was to the armrest till her head connected with it. She winced a little. 'The show must go on.' She thought closing her eyes.

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