Here We Go Again

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I hope y'all enjoy this
chapter I am sorry for
how it starts but I have
a feeling you'll forgive me

Kate was on a high. She couldn't help but be around the other girl. She was practically glued to Yelena all night and well the blonde didn't mind if she was being honest.

All night Kate had a grin plastered to her face. She couldn't help but look at Yelena as much as possible.

Yelena did notice the girl's gaze on her and well this made her smile. She felt a fluffy feeling in her chest every time she caught Kate's eyes.

There was a moment when Yelena noticed the girl looking at her hand. Kate reached out but hesitated. Yelena grabbed the other girl's hand before she could move it away.

Kate's gaze shot up to Yelena's eyes. She was shocked and pleasantly surprised. Yelena rolled her eyes at the face Kate was making but let a big smile make its way onto her own face.

Everyone was sitting down at a table by the concession stand talking amongst themselves. They were mostly making a plans for this week. They had all agreed to be there for Kate at her mother's trial.

"Alright youngsters, it's time to get out. I need to lock up." Bucky said breaking through the chatter coming from the group.

"Youngsters? Where are we in the 1950s?" Kate said with a laugh. Ducky rolled his eyes and walked them out.

Everyone said bye to the man and decided to go get some dinner before going home. Kate offered to take Yelena home who did say yes.

They ended up at a pizza shop close by. The group didn't realize how hungry they had gotten till they took their first bite.

Kate dug in but soon stopped eating as a thought hit her.

"what are we going to do for our date? There are so many things we could do." Kate said sounding a little stressed.

"Kate calm down. You don't need to overthink this." Yelena said trying to ease the girl's anxiety.

"I don't want this to be the worst date you've ever had." Kate said with a small frown.

"It is not like you could. I've never been on one anyway." Kate was taken aback by this. She didn't know why Yelena had never brought this up.

"Wait what? Now that's going to stress me out more." Kate groaned.

"Kate whatever we do I will not care as long as we get to do it together." Yelena reassured the girl. Kate did feel a bit calmer with this.

They finished and made their way to the parking lot. Miles was talking Yelena's ear off as they walked to the cars. The blonde didn't mind the boy one bit.

Kate heard ringing coming from her pocket. She slowed to fish her phone out. She saw it was from her coach. She made a beeline toward her car trying to get to a quieter place.

"Hey boss lady." Kate answered turning her back to the group.

"Hello Kate." The woman sounded a bit off to the girl.

"What do I owe for this call." Kate said jokingly still riding the high from earlier.

"Kate, before I say anything, I want you to know that I fought for you as much as I could." The woman's voice dropped.

"What do you mean?" Kate's voice shook as she spoke and her whole demeanor dropped.

"Kate... I'm sorry to tell you this but the board of directors has told me you aren't allowed to compete this year with everything going on."

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