The Best Part About This Prize Is...

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Well I'm glad Black Friday
and Thanksgiving are over
but this month will be a
living hell but after
the holidays I'm going
to try and get 2 chapters
out every month

Let me know if there
is anything wrong with
the chapter and if you guys
have anything ideas you would
like to see let me know
now let get into it

"I don't really have to use the restroom." Kate said, reluctantly following MJ to the bathroom.

She was having fun with Yelena and didn't want to leave the girls side. She attempted to escape so she could get back to the Russian, but she didn't have a chance with the death grip the younger girl had on her wrist.

"Oh, I don't have to use the restroom either." MJ said after the door shut behind them. Kate raised an eyebrow at the girl. She was upset that MJ was wasting her time.

"Then why did we come in here?" The older girl huffed and turned to leave, but was stopped.

"Oh, no you don't. You're not leaving that fast. You have some explaining to do." MJ said jumping in front of the door, blocking the exit.

An uneasy feeling washed over Kate. She fidgeted slightly. She hoped this conversation wouldn't go where she thought it would.

"Looks like you have an idea of what I'm going to ask you." MJ said with a smile. The younger girl was enjoying her friend's embarrassment.


"How's your first date so far? Is it fun?" Peter asked. He could tell Kate was really enjoying herself, but Yelena was harder to read.

"It is actually. It is very hard not to be happy around her." The blonde answer truthfully. She had warmed up to the younger boy, but she would never admit it.

"Aww look at you all sappy and stuff. I didn't realize you had a soft side-" Peter's mouth snapped shut when he his gaze landed on Yelena's face.

He was sure if looks could kill he would've dropped dead before he finished his sentence.

"If you say anything to the others, I will permanently make it so you will not say another word for the rest of your life." The blonde threatened.

Peter nodded quickly and turned to focus on the game in front of him. After a long moment, he wondered how far he could push the girl.

"So... What do you think of Rouge? She's pretty cool, right?" Peter glanced over to Yelena.

She stumbled slightly, which caused her to mess up the timing on her game. Her face shifted slightly in anger.

'I could end his life. I could, but that would make Kate upset. Just act nice for her.' She thought. Yelena took a deep breath to compose herself, then slowly turned to the boy.

"Peter, you are doing a lot of talking and not playing. So 'please' focus on the game." She said before moving to a different game.

Yelena hoped that the boy would get the hint and leave her alone. Peter of course, didn't care and followed the Russian to the next area.

The pair ended up in front of the Pop the Lock games. Yelena huffed when Peter placed himself right next to her.

"I'm taking your silence as you don't like her." The boy said, swiping his card for the next game. He turned his head to see why the girl was so quiet.

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