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I hate apologizing this many times but I can't anymore the world said fuck you and it happens every god damn time! So just know from now on if I don't update every now and then it's because some bullshit be happening in my life.

I was feeling great Saturday morning I was happy it was almost my weekend and I should have known the moment my cream filled donut had barely any feeling and my fucking bacon egg and cheese microwavable sandwich had no fucking bacon in it I should have immediately gone back home because that was the least shitty part of my day so I'll try and make this short it probably won't but what ever I just need to rant about this shit

I used to have to play manager in the morning before an actual manager which I know who can do what and actually get there shit done so now we have the managers get in early but we got a new manager and she's great and awesome but she's still getting used to the stress moving on in the morning we open online pick at 7am we were only allowed to have 8 people come that hour to pick up there orders but we would get 4 to 5 people that would actually fill the spots up then at the beginning of last week they bumped it up to 17 orders per hour now get this they then bumped that cap out to 38 orders so we had 38 orders for 7am and 18 deliveries for 8am (the deliveries are picked up at 7:30 -7:45 so they can make it to the house by 8) they also thought it was a great idea to up our order up form 465 orders a day to 540 the day before easter when we don't have enough of anything people, printers, phones, and or carts so they royally fucked us over then management got mad when we needed store help... tell me how that makes any sense

moving on from the a few key things I am a down stacker which mean I take totes off of carts and put them in order now I was slammed with cart and needed a second person but I can't get one because we had so much to pick still so that made me stressed out because if there's no carts because I'm behind means we don't have people pick the orders so I was running around like crazy someone came back and told me all the people working on exceptions (which is finding things the first people picking can't find they look in the back and stuff) were taken off and the new manager put someone on them who isn't fast at all so I told one of the ladies that dose them every day to stay on them and I would trade her out with the other guy now some dumb ass bitch hears this and finds the manager to tell her and I quote "hey *me* is in there telling other people to do jobs that you told them not to do. Also I pretty sure she's setting you up to fail." Which if that bitch would have stayed 5 seconds long she would have heard the whole part of me saying it was to switch the two out so my manager comes back and yelled at me of something I didn't do I was actually waiting to tell her that the guy wouldn't get them done on time so we need to switch him out or everything is going to run late

when she came back and yelled at me it sent me into a full-blown panic attack that caused me to shut down on actually communicate what was actually going on so I cried for most of the day because of the panic attack and I also mad cry so when a friend of mine saw who did it she came back immediately and told me so I was so upset that this girl lie to the manager about what I had done btw the manager did apologize and when she heard the actual story she felt super bad and even said I now know that I can trust to came to you and we can work together and I really don't know the other girl that well so she got me some treats so we are chill now but I was so exhausted and mentally drained and forgot it was Easter Sunday so I didn't have time to write then

All I got to say is don't fucking work at Walmart they lure you in with good pay and make you think oh this isn't so bad but the company sucks ass and they treat their associates like literally shit they don't care if you get burned out, hurt, or want to switch department because they can fire you and just replace you so there's my PSA of the fucking year

I'm hoping to god I can get the next chapter out by Thursday

sorry for more waiting


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