Family Photos

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Well I just spent a few
days making a huge snow
fort for my nephews
when they come to visit
(they are 3 and 4)
I got to keep my cool aunt
status up somehow but
that's why it's taken me
a little longer to get this chapter out

So I ended up cutting
this chapter in half because
I'm still working on
the second part and I wanted
a bit more time to get
it right because there is
a lot going on so that is
why this chapter is a bit smaller

anyway on with the chapter

"Are you sure you don't want me to help?" Kate asked her girlfriend.

"Yes, I am sure." The Russian answered. The younger girl gave her puppy dog eyes but it didn't seem to affect Yelena.

"Kate, it is an easy meal to make. It is just grilled cheese and soup." The blonde told her girlfriend after she finished tying her apron. Yelena turned back to the girl and gave her a kiss on the forehead before shoeing her out of the kitchen.

Kate wandered around the living room, looking at all the stuff she had not been able to the first time she was here.

She stopped in front of a big bookcase and looked through it quickly. Something caught her eye towards the bottom. There was a binder that was labeled family photos.

Kate glanced behind her to see if Yelena was there. With her girlfriend nowhere to be seen, she snagged the scrapbook from the shelves and sat on the floor.

The first few pictures were of a young Natasha with her parents. She looked about four or five and grew throughout the pictures. By the last picture on the page, the girl looked to be ten give or take.

The next page was what Kate assumed to be Yelena who was around the age of two maybe three.

Throughout the pictures, Natasha's smile seemed more bright and she had become more attached to her younger sister.

Kate noticed there were no baby pictures of the sisters. She made a mental note so she could ask her girlfriend about it later.

The photos of the family was so lively. Many of the pictures were of camping, fishing, and hunting.

One of Kate's favorites so far was of Yelena holding a big fish with an even bigger smile. She was missing two of her front teeth, and her hair was wild as half of it was in a ponytail and the other half seemed to be falling out. It made her chuckle.

Kate looked behind her once more in search of her the blonde hoping the girl couldn't see her. She didn't see Yelena so she sapped a quick picture.

The family seemed so happy but there was a drastic drop. The pictures had a somber feel to them. Kate noticed Yelena wasn't in these ones. When she did return the sisters looked a few years older but it didn't change the dreary atmosphere.

Years jumped just between the photos until the last two didn't have Natasha in them. The light that seemed so pronounced in Yelena's eyes when she was younger was nonexistent now. Kate could tell these were taken after the death of her sister.

The archer was pulled from her thoughts when she heard Yelena call for her. "Kate, food is ready."

"Ok." The girl said back as she looked one more time at the last page before putting the book back and heading to her girlfriend.

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