Will You Won't You

338 19 22


First I'd like to say sorry
once again for the late
update I got Elden Ring
for my birthday and kinda
got hyper fixated on it...
so yeah my bad and well it
was a really shitty month for me so

but 2 weeks ago was really bad for me because me and one of my friends had enough of 2 of the teamleads 'managers' so we went and told the boss lady and it actually went well which rarely happens but when we left the office one of the managers we told on was there so when boss lady talked to the 2 of them they knew it was us so we got fucked over the next day I was left to do a 4-6 person job which caused me to have a mental breakdown and mad cry a shit ton so when my friend saw me run off she came and found me and we went to go find a manager but our boss lady wasn't there so we talked to another manager which mansplained my job to me even though he doesn't know how to do anything in are department and didn't believe me when I said it was out of retaliation because this bitch is always cracking down on us on the days she usually works (so she was working a different teamleads shift) but all the sudden the day after I rat on her she just doesn't seem to know what she's doing and her sorry excuse was "sorry I don't usually work weekdays"... what do you mean every day is the same then she tried to corner me alone to say "sorry" after the other manager talked to her but she just gave herself an ego boost and then she made me out to be the one who was in the wrong because I didn't ask for "help"... like what the fuck first off your the manager you should be the one checking to see if anyone needs help or if everything is running smoothly and secondly that's why we ratted on you because you never help when we ask literally my friend told her that she need help with her work because it was becoming to much for one person so this bitch replied with "I don't know what you want me to do about it" so why in the world would I ask for help? And what sucks more is boss lady is on vacation so we can't talk to her.

Sorry for the long rant but because of this it threw me off so bad that it put me into another depressive episode so yeah that's why it took me so long to get this one out

Kate and Yelena made it to the Lodge and put their boards against the rack. Yelena could tell Kate was very upset.

She felt the need to get rid of the awkward tension and cheer the girl up. She knew that saying something snarky would probably not be the best at this time, so she decided on something a little more lighthearted.

"Why is it so hard to walk around in these boots?" Yelena said with a chuckle. It seemed to affect the girl immediately. Kate cracked a smile.

"If you think it's hard to walk around with these-" Kate said, lifting her foot gesturing to the shoe.

"- try ski boots. Those are the worst. They might even be worse than flippers." She laughed and continued through the doors.

"Maybe next time we can go skiing... If you want. You don't have to." Kate nervously chuckled. They made their way up the stairs.

'Why put the food court up stairs?' The blonde thought.

Once again, Yelena could feel the nervousness coming from the younger girl.

"Definitely. I would love to try skiing next time." Yelena smiled at the girl. Kate felt better once again.

"I want to know if it is as hard as that girl made it out to be." That was the wrong thing to say because Kate's face dropped into a frown.

Before Yelena could say anything, they had made their way up to the other group. 'Wow, what a brilliant thing to say.' She thought.

"What did you sa-" Peter was cut off by an elbow hitting him in the side. He looked at MJ with a 'what the fuck?' look.

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