Holes In The Ice

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I didn't like this chapter much
so I kept rewriting it and
it was upsetting me
so I had to take a break
and I wanted this to
be a longer chapter bc the
next one is most likely
going to be smaller
so now at this point
I kinda just gave up on
fixing it so if it feels
blocky/choppy that's why

besides that don't got much else to say
so on with the chapter

While Yelena's parents were making dinner outside the two girls went into the camper to warm up. They laid in bed for a little bit but ended up sitting side by side at the small table playing card games and talking to each for a little while.

Yelena was picking up the cards to reshuffle and start another game. Kate in the meantime reached down and patted Fanny's head. She was happy the dog was laying on her feet as she was keeping them warm.

Of course when Kate stopped Fanny wanted more attention. So the blonde's pup decided she would lay on top of Kate's lap demanding more pets.

Fanny struggled to get up but eventually made it. She was content with her position even though she was only halfway on the girl's lap and her paws in the air. Kate couldn't contain her laughter.

While the archer was petting Fanny's belly Yelena was hypnotized by her girlfriend. She let her gaze wander but her eyes kept going back to the girl's face, really studying it. She loved the way the girl's nose scrunched up when she smiles but especially when she laughed.

"What?" Kate questioned, pulling the girl from her thoughts.

"Nothing. Just thinking." She replied.

"About?" The girl pressed for an answer.

"She is almost as bad as you." Yelena joked. The archer raised her eyebrow not quite sure what the blonde meant. "Fanny is almost as needy as you."

"What!? She is way needier than me. I am not nearly as bad as her." Kate tried to defend herself.

"Really?" Yelena razed an eyebrow. "Because if I am not mistaken you made me lay down so you could basically lay on top of me and cuddle less then an hour ago."

"We both know you like it as well. And I was only halfway on you. Also, it was because I was cold and I could tell you were too." The archer said in a matter-of-fact way.

"I definitely was not cold and I did not say I dislike it. I was just stating the facts and the fact is you are like a needy puppy." Yelena had a smug smile plastered on her face.

"Oh, you want to go there? Well, you're just as needy as me." The archer said as she turned slightly towards the blonde causing Fanny to hop off her lap and lay on the bed next to Lucky. Kate grinned as her girlfriend's smile dropped.

"I will not disagree that I do want your affection, but not as much as you want mine." The older girl said failing to come up with a good retort.

"Oh? Says the one who literally said- and I quote, 'I miss your needy ass.' You have to be one attention-seeking hoe to say something like that." The archer said in a joking tone.

The gears in Yelena's mind turned, trying to think of a comeback. Kate thought she had won but just as she was going to brag about it a smirk made its way back onto the blonde's lips.

"It is true that I am quite 'needy,' but-" Yelena started, as she turned her body until her knee bumped into Kate's. "At least I am not the one who said, what was it aging-" The Russian's hand planted itself between them, pushing herself up a little.

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