Icy Waters - mini chapter

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So I finally got a new job
and because of that I've
been really tried lately so
hopefully you guys understand
why I didn't update for so long

Well this isn't this isn't
the real chapter because
I'm still iffy about some of
it and need a break from
writing it so I wrote this semi
steamy chapter because I
didn't know what else
to write so yeah...

I know that this isn't a
big chapter and what
not but I hope it will suffice
for a little longer until I can
finish the next chapter
because I kinda feel bad for
another long wait so this
is a little gift for you guys so
I hope you enjoy

Yelena tossed and turned that night. She felt horrible for kissing Kate like that. Guilt had flooded her brain and heart. All she could think of was how many times she had been on the receiving end of something like that and how gross it felt.

Though it felt different to be the one doing it. 'Did Kate even like it? It looked like she liked it, right?' She felt sick after that though. 'Now I sound just like them.'

After a few minutes or maybe it was hours it was hard to tell, someone knocked on the door. Kate shifted slightly as she was being pulled from her dreams.

Yelena watch every little movement closely before her attention was tugged back to the rapping sound once more. Light seeped into the room as the door cracked open.

"Can I come in?" Melina's voice filled the quiet room.

"Yes." Yelena replied. How long had she been awake? Had she even slept?

"It is time to get up." Her mother said stopping in the doorway and flipping on the light. The smell of bacon wafted into the room.

"Ok." With that answer from her daughter Melina left shutting the door behind her.

Yelena's eyes landed back on Kate as the girl groaned and covered her head with the sheets turning over and snuggling into her side. She froze. Heat raced to Yelena's face thinking about what played out last night and how much she liked it, but the feeling of dread wasn't far behind.

She opened her mouth to tell her girlfriend to get up, but it snapped shut when Kate's arm wrapped around her pulling her in. When the two got as close as Yelena thought they could the younger girl rubbed her head into the blonde's rib cage just below her breast. Yelena shuddered at the sudden sensation. "Kate?"

The archer hummed in response, letting her girlfriend know she was listening. Yelena's side constricted at the vibration that was created. She opened her mouth to speak but not even air escaped.

"Yes?" Kate finally spoke hoping to get an answer from her girlfriend. She lifted her head as if to look at Yelena but her eyes could barely stay open. She gave up on the impossible battle letting them close as her head sagged back to the girl's side.

Yelena swallowed a small lump in her throat before speaking up. "We need to get up." She said breathlessly.

"Not yet." Kate whimpered her voice drowsy and uneven. "Just a few more...-" She faded in and out of consciousness for a moment before pulling herself together just enough to finish. "Minutes." Not getting a response she whispered a long and fading please. She was barely keeping herself awake.

Yes was all the blonde could mutter out. Nails lightly dragged against her side as Kate gathered a fist full of fabric tightly. The archer pulled it to herself slightly as her muscles constricted into a tight stretch, once again rubbing her face into the blonde's side.

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