Falling In Love Like Falling Snow

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I'd like to say sorry for the
long wait I was going
to write on last Sunday witch
is one of my days off but
I got called into work
so I was exhausted
and thought I'll write Monday
night but I fell into
a bad depressive episodes
(I have bad bipolar depression)
and I'm still struggling
but I hope if I do something I like
it will help so here we go.

Yelena got up very early that morning, around 4:15 AM. She would usually feel like death if it were any other day, but for some reason, she was wide awake.

She got ready in what Kate told her to, which were sweatpants, double-layered long sleeves, and double-layered socks. Kate also told her to bring extra clothes just in case she gets cold or to change into after.

As soon as Yelena walked into the kitchen her stomach growled. She was told not to eat because they would be getting food. But Kate knew the blonde, so she told Yelena to have a small snack. She opted for two granola bars.

When Yelena finished, she walked into the garage and up to the snow gear that she had been debating about using all week.

She grabbed the big duffel bag and pulled out a white snow jacket and matching pants. She looked over the jacket and saw the numerous ski passes hooked on the multitude of zippers.

Her gaze then made its way to the snowboard to see the art of the well-known red hourglass shape of a black widow spider in the dead center. A spider hung from a web in the middle of the hourglass.

She had conflicted feelings about using it because it was Natasha's. She ran her hand over the board, remembering all of the times Natasha said she would teach her. She knew at that moment that Nat would want her to use it.

A small ding came from her pocket, pulling her out of her thoughts. She fished her phone out, seeing a text pop up.

From Walking disaster: I'm here

Yelena had changed Kate's name in her phone the third time they hung out. It was decided after the girl walked into the pole of a stop sign.

Yelena walked up to the door and hit the button of the garage door opener.

Yelena could see Kate getting out of an old truck. The truck though being old, was in fantastic condition. An excellent paint job, no dents, and to be honest, it looked brand new.

"Good morning." Kate said, walking into the garage.

"Hi." Yelena said back.

"Wow, that's some awesome looking gear. Hey, this is the brand I use." Yelena watched as Kate inspected the board.

"I don't remember you telling me that you've snowboarded this much." Kate said, looking at the jacket. She couldn't believe how many different ski resorts this jacket had seen.

"I have never been before." Yelena said blatantly. Kate was confused by this.

"You've never skied or boarded before?" Kate asked. Yelena nodded.

"What!? But you said you like the snow and that your family would go skiing a lot, and you have all this gear." Kate didn't quite understand.

"That is Natasha's gear and-" Yelena stopped and looked Kate in the eyes. She debated on telling the girl about her terrible past as a kid.

"-And well, I didn't have the best childhood." Yelena had made her choice. She looked away and started to put the snow gear back into the bag.

Kate was told about Yelena's late sister a few times. She knew not to push on the subject matter and let the girl bring it up when she wanted.

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