Writing Prompt - Superpowers born from trauma (2022)

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I look over at the older guy sitting next to me and meet his eyes, its the third time he's turned to me and its getting weird now.

"So... what powers have you got?"I ask, breaking the awkward silence.
"I can see the future." He replies.
"Sweet, me too."

We don't talk about the heavy stuff, the reason why we're both sitting in the therapists waiting room, the trauma behind our powers. But I know, and he knows, that we both lost something, or someone, due to our inability to see the future consequences of out actions.

"So..." I continue "why do you want to get rid of it?"

"It scares my daughter" He replies "She hates when 'Daddy's eyes turn white'. He chuckle a bit bitterly at this. "What about you?"

"Oh, it kinda makes me an outcast at school. I go to a really prestigious school filled with kids who haven't gone through a thing in their lives - which is good for them, really - It's just...no one else has powers so I see their looks and-"

I am cut off by my name being called into Dr Em's office. I say goodbye to the man and step into her office. Excited to tell her that because I stuck to her to-do list, I didn't have to use my powers at all this week.

A/N I still live, my children! Here are the morsels I have managed to gather due to a helpful instagram writing prompt. Eat, dear children until I am able to hunt for more motivation to write. I shall return!

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