Fear (2019)

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I walked into the room and there he was, sitting on my couch looking very pleased with himself, like the cat that got the cream. My heart froze. He found me.

He looked even more eerie than ever, his sleek black hair hung low by his shoulders, his cheekbones, chin and canines looked razor sharp and his skin was a ghostly, sickening pale. I was chilled to the bone and evidently trembling. How had it all gotten so wrong, so quickly? What really scared me was how melodious his voice sounded, so smooth, so inviting, like nothing had changed.

"Why, hello there."

I stood rooted to the ground by the doorway, the door was still open, I could run and get help... I could... I couldn't, not with my hurt leg, he could easily outrun me. He knew that too, that's why he was seated on my couch. He had planned this very carefully, bided his time and swooped in the moment I lost the only thing that kept my safe from him, speed.

"Come Pretty-Pretty" he stretched out a very long finger and motioned me forward. A wide grin on his face. There was once I time when I found comfort in his smile, what had caused my poor, sweet boy to turn so soulless?

I could still run, not far but maybe far enough. I could hide, yes I would hide. Before I could even decide where, my legs were out the door. I did not get far before I heard him close behind me. Zig-zagging around corners to lose him, I found a hiding spot behind the Garage, under the old, beaten up toyota and dove there, trying to calm my rapid breathing. I will stay here until goes away, then I call the police and be safe, I'm going to be alright. I am going to be alright.

I could hear his footsteps, close and slow, like he had already spotted me and was just taking his time to intimidate me. I hoped not. I prayed and hoped not. If he got hold of my there would be no mercy. I knew that now, once he gets hurt, he never forgets. He has come to take his revenge and take it he will.

"Here little mousy, kitty wants to play"

My breath hitched in my throat, he was close, so close. So so close.

"My precious " His voice wasn't smooth anymore, it was raspy now deep and scary. He saw me. I'm sure he saw me. He was so close. So so close...

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