The Storm (2020)

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The thunder rumbled in the distance and she looked up at the grey, cloud-filled sky. A fat drop of rain fell from the sky and splashed silently on her shirt, turning the spot a darker shade of green. She looked down at the spot and frowned, regretting not bringing and umbrella for the hundredth time that day. She increased her pace as she walked across the field, imagining being thin enough to dodge raindrops. She considered turning around and making a run for it, surely that would get her to shade and warmth quicker, but when she predicted the cold breeze that would swarm around her body and especially her bare arms, she dismissed the thought.

She had to get somewhere, but she was not sure where. Her memories buzzed uncontrollably around her head, like electrons around a nucleus, she could not hold on to one long enough. She was working on muscle memory here, her body knew where it was going and so she followed. Another rumble erupted from the sky overhead, the thunderclouds were still far off but the rain clouds were more than willing to dish out raindrops that gave her cold shock every time they landed on her skin. She was almost there, she could feel it and all it had cost her was a half-soaked t-shirt.

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