The Galaxy (2018)

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I hold the Galaxy in my hand and I watch as it swirls and turns and expands and expands. Soon it will be too big to fit and I will have to let it go. I know I should have let it go since...

But it is all I have left, it's all I have left of our long days of hard work and our secret whispers at midnight. You told me to keep it, you told me to keep it till you come back for it. Come back for me. Was it not you who kissed my forehead, that told me you loved me every chance you got? Was it not you who I put my complete trust in? My Sun, my light, with whom I could feel safe with because I knew that no matter what cards life handed out to us, you were obliged to live for me, and I for you?

Do you remember when you gave me the Galaxy? Telling me that no matter how far we were apart, we'd always be together, in the same Galaxy? Oh, how I cherished that flimsy piece of paper, letting it be my anchor of hope and assurance that you would always come back for me.

So where are you now, Mother? Where are you while I work harder and grow skinnier and lose hope that I may ever see the sun rise again? When I cry every night because the stinging of the whips on my back is nothing compared to the aching my heart harbours. When the salts of my tears is the only evidence that I am still human, no less than they are.

It was always us against the world, us against the society that caged us up and used us like animals. But you have found freedom, I haven't. Now it's not us anymore, its just me, alone, fighting this fight on my own. I think I'm losing.

I figured it's only right that since I've lost hope, that you may find it, so I've sent the Galaxy with this letter, it may be the last you hear from me.

Your Daughter
Exactly where you left me.

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