The worlds greatest thief (2016)

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It was a cold evening, quarter to six. The sky was misty and grey, threatening rain that might never come. People were rushing home in crowds that engulf - pushing, shouting, speaking and sneezing because the flu had broken out. It was loud and noisy, cars were zooming by. I should have caught a taxi when I had the chance. I still had a long way to go. The air was dusty and smoggy, my tongue felt bland and I was starving.

Another horrible day added to my horrible life.....
A vicious cycle.

This was a normal day for me. I was exhausted, working far more hours than I had bargained for, just to keep things afloat. I didn't expect to meet the greatest thief that ever lived. I don't know whether it was her curly, black hair and her petite figure in her beautiful, blue coat that attracted me; or maybe it was her dark eyes and her mesmerising smile as she spoke on the phone public telephone on the other side of the road, but one thing I knew, was that she stole my heart.

My heart thumped in sheer anticipation. I needed to speak to her, to feel her, to tell her that she was the one I had been searching for all my life. That just the sight of her made me forget to worry about what tomorrow might hold. I would probably never get such an opportunity ever again. My brain pushed me to go talk to her but my traitorous, perspiring body refused.

As I mustered the courage to go across the empty street, a long yellow lorry whooshed past with a blur of letters and pictures promoting their product. It was loud and made the sound of an old, dying man wheezing, it had the familiar scent of diesel from the exhaust pipe as it blazed past.

When I glanced back at the telephone booth, the love of my life was gone, vanished, disappeared, without a trace, stealing my fragile, innocent heart with her. That was the day I met the greatest thief ever, for no amount of money or jewellery stolen can amount to the vital organ that she has deprived my body of.

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