Semi-Charmed Life

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Darlene got home that afternoon feeling significantly happier then earlier. After meeting Mary, she had a bit more hope for herself. She knew having another girl her age to talk to would be beneficial, considering she'd been surrounded by guys pretty much her entire life. She kicked off her shoes and sat on the couch and grabbed the current book she'd been working on off the coffee table. No one was home yet, so she had the house to herself. She laid back on the loveseat, not able to control the smile on her face.

She opened her book and read, that smile still not leaving her face. It was quiet and warm. Everything looked brighter to her, and she thought she could smell the sun, that warm dusty smell. Boy, did she love that smell. She took a deep breath and focused on her reading. But the relaxing didn't last long. Dally walked, the door hitting the wall as it swung open, and plopped on the couch, not shutting the door behind him.

"Hey, kid." He said, and lit a cigarette. "What's with the annoying smile?"

Darlenes smile dropped and she sighed, placing her book in her lap. "Am I not allowed to be happy?"

He rolled his eyes, "No, there's just nothin' to be happy about."

"Well," Darlene smiled again and turned to him, "there is for me."


"Yeah, I think I made a friend."

He raised his eybrow, "You think?" He leaned back, taking another drag.

"I mean, she gave me her number. There was a big fight during school, she made sure Two-Bit and I didn't get hit."

"Huh." He said, disinterested.

"Wow, thanks. It's been a long time since I've had a girl friend" she stood up, "I'm excited about this."

"Good for you." He shrugged. Darlene chuckled and went to the kitchen to grab a snack.

"I, uh, heard you and Sylvia split again."

"Yeah, the little broad was two-timein' me again while I was in jail."

"Oh. That sucks. At least you got your Christopher back." She said, secretly happy she wouldn't have to see her anymore.

Dally took another drag. "Yeah, whatever, man."

Dally watched her. He didn't want to say it, but he was happy for her, and he hated how contagious her smile was. His eyes followed her hands as she sliced an apple carefully, inhaling the warm smoke, and she kept making her snack, wondering what Darry would think about her having a soc as a friend.


A couple hours had gone by, and the only people there were the Curtis's, Dally, and Johnny. They were having a simple dinner that night. Sandwiches and chips, and instead of sitting at the table, they all decided to sit in the living room. Darlene wanted to tell Darry about her new friend, but was nervous. He never was one to target socs, but he knew that they didn't like us.

It's my life, not his. I can be friends with whoever I want.

"Hey Darry, I made a friend today. Finally." She said proudly, taking a bite from her sandwich. Darry smiled, happy for his kid sister.

"That's great, I'm happy for you, Darling."

Johnny pouted and crossed his arms,"Ow, thanks." He joked.

"No, you guys are still my friends. I can have female friends, too." Darry patted Johnny's shoulder.

"What's her name?"

"Mary...and uhm..." She lookes down and fingered the ripped part of her jeans with an almost embarrassed smile.

"What?" Darry set down his plate.

"...She's a soc."

"That's fine."

Darlene looked up quickly and smiled again. "Really? I thought you wouldn't have liked that."

"No, it's fine. As long as you're careful who you hang out with."

Then Dally cut in, "Don't turn all preppy on us, Curtis."

Darlene just laughed, "Not in a million years."

Now that conversation was over with, and Darlene didn't feel as uneasy about making friends with Socs. Better than being enemies with every soc in Tulsa. That's the last thing she wants. It would only make everything harder.

"I want something else

To get me through this
Semi-charmed kinda life"

Alright, I gotta end this one here. This is kind of just a filler chapter and I hate it with a passion. 😊

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