A personal journey

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If you want to shift, it is crucial that you understand this one thing: your shifting journey is yours alone. Put in other words, it simply means you have to understand what works and what doesn't work for you. Something that works for someone else might not work for you and vice versa. In addition, you should never compare your progress to others, because each one of us is unique. Some of us might just be more skeptical, some of us more spiritual, or more open-minded...you might not like a certain method or a certain subliminal... You have to know that some people will shift faster than you, unless of course you are one of those who are able to do it on their first tries, if you are, know that your work doesn't stop there. Furthermore, if we were all the same, there would be a universal way to shift that would work for everyone.

Either way, if you feel like you do not need any more information on shifting, go and try shifting without doubting that your knowledge isn't enough. And if you feel like you need to learn all you can about shifting, I might be able to help a little.

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