Chapter 6

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Clover's POV:

The house was empty when I got home. Herb probably went somewhere with his parents, and he probably told them what happened.

I sighed and flopped onto the couch.

Why did I do this? I never wanted this. I'm no cheater. Why did I have to do that? I ruined my friendship and new relationship.

I should just kill myself. No one likes me anymore, no one wants me, and I just mess everything up.

I stared up at the dark ceiling. I'll do it in the morning, I'm too lazy right now.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

~Time skip~

"Clover-?" I heard someone say. I sat up quickly and looked around. I actually fell asleep in the living room-

I looked at the front door to see Herb, and my parents behind him.

"I... mom-?"

"Sea Fairy came to get us, instead of her talking to you. She's angry at you, and we're not sure why. She didn't tell us, and neither did Herb," My dad spoke.

"May we enter?"

Herb stepped inside, and completely ignored me as he walked by.

"I guess.." I mumbled. I sat down on the couch and my parents sat next to me. Sea Fairy, Moonlight and Sorbet also came inside, shutting the door behind them.

"So what seems to be the matter?" My dad asked. I turned around to see if anyone was listening, but the four others went outside to the garden. I turned back around.

"Mom why are you here- I thought you left a long time ago-" I mumbled. Tears filled my eyes.

"It doesn't matter right now, we're worried about you and we want you to tell us what happened," she explained.

"I-I cheated on him... I-I asked him to be my boyfriend yesterday, b-but I also cheated on him yesterday. I'm such a terrible guy. I shouldn't have asked him out if I knew I liked someone else. What I did was wrong and I shouldn't have done it. I have no excuses,"

My parents looked at eachother.

"Well... no, you're not a bad guy, but also you're right, that was wrong of you. Um... I believe you've already learned your lesson, so just apologize and be friends again, and act like nothing happened,"

"White Lily, it's not that simple. What if Herb doesn't forgive him?"

"He should. We've known him for a while. He can't say no, it's hard for him,"

Dad shook his head.

"Mom's right though, I should just apologize and forget it happened, if he accepts my apology or not,"

I got up and left the living room, turning to head outside, and leaving my parents there. I opened the back door quietly.

"Can I help?"

"No Mom, last time you watered my plants, you flooded them, and killed them!"

"I'm sorry Herb, but it's not my fault! I can't help it,"

"You can't help it? You like killing nature?!"

"No that's- no, I meant that I'm SEA Fairy, and sometimes I can't control what I do with water! That's why your grandma froze me many many years ago. It's because-"

"Yeah yeah, whatever. I don't wanna hear you and mom's love story again right now, nor do I want you flooding my plants. You can't help, end of story,"

Sea Fairy frowned.

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