Chapter 11

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⚠️Trigger warning:⚠️
Mention of su!c!d3/death, cutting, pills, other sensitive topics (maybe)
Continue reading at your own risk


"Hey! Look, I don't have time to explain, but you need to wake up!"

What does that mean?

"Please, save him! They're gonna hurt themselves!"


I opened my eyes and looked around. It was really dark, and I was in my room. I think I fell asleep on the couch and Clover moved me to my room or something.

I sat up and checked the time. It was 3:23am. Kinda rare for me to wake up this early.

I layed back down and looked at the ceiling.

Who the hell was talking to me-? And who did they want me to "save"? Who's gonna hurt themselves?

Realization hit me when I heard the faint click of a door shutting.

I got up quietly and opened my bedroom door. There was a note taped to Clover's door. Curiously, I took it off and looked over it. It was too dark to read it properly, so I tossed it on the ground to read later.

Without hesitation, I slowly opened Clover's door. He stood there, back facing the door, tying whatever was in his hands.


He turned around quickly, startled by me, and dropped whatever he had.

"W-wait no... g-go away-"

"Clover, what are you doing-?" I stepped in his room.


I knew...

"I'm sorry..."

My eyes adjusted to the darkness, and I could see some details now.

The rope on the ground, blood stained where he grabbed the rope at. Fresh cuts leaving blood stains on his wrists and his hands. Tears were streaming down his face, in fear of me just standing here.

"Actually, the better question is... why?..." I asked again.

"I'm sorry..." He repeated.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry-!" He cried. He dropped to the ground and hugged himself, tears streaming down his face.

"W-what are you doing... you weren't supposed to stop me-!"


"I'm sorry! I'm sorry-! I didn't want this to happen-!"

I sighed and walked up to him. I sat on the ground in front of him, and reached my arms out for a hug. He buried his face in my chest, and he just cried. I put my arms around him, trying to calm him down.

Once he stopped crying, I asked him again.


He sighed and looked away from me.

"W-what... exactly do you want to hear-?"

"Tell me everything,"

He wiped the tears off his face, then took my hand and led me out of his room, shutting the door behind me. He pointed to the paper I had tossed on the floor.

"T-that, gives... some details... i-if you haven't already read that-" he picked it up and handed it to me. Then I watched him walk down the hall, and to the living room, turning on a few lights on the way.

Special Friend - A Sparkling x Herb Fanfiction [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now