Chapter 14

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Sparkling's POV:

I flipped the sign on the door, from closed to open, and walked back over to the counter, waiting for cookies to come to my bar. After a few minutes, I checked the time, then made myself a drink. Then the bell on the door rang, and Clover stepped into the bar.

"Goodmorning, Sparkling," he greeted me.

"Hello," I responded as he took a seat on one of the bar stools.

"I'm surprised Vampire isn't here yet," Clover mumbled.

"Yeah, he's usually waiting outside for me to open my bar. Recently, he's been out there less and less," I took a sip of my drink.

"Could be cuz you switched up the schedule," he spoke. Then it got quiet.

I turned to look at the door, instead of having to look at Clover. Both of us not wanting to look at or talk to eachother. There was tension between us.

"I have a question," I piped up, turning back to Clover. They froze and then glanced up at me.

"What is it-?"

I glanced down at my glass.

"Are you just trying to get everyone's attention? Or are you actually depressed?" I asked. His eyes widened.

"You... you think I'm faking this for your attention-?"

I looked back up at him and nodded. They sighed and looked down, seemingly disappointed in me.

"I-I'm diagnosed. 5 years ago, and all those different prescriptions didn't work. Not even the one I'm taking now... H-how do you think I just want attention?" He looked back up at me. I rolled my eyes.

"You want an explanation? Well, first, when I first told you I liked Herb. You got angry and yelled at me. You tried to intimidate me, but that didn't work out too well; you're not a dominant cookie. Heh. Second, when you got with Herb, just to spite me, right? Wrong. You ended up cheating on him, "on accident", on the SAME. DAY, leading Mint and Cocoa to not like you for a while, and Me and Herb to hate you. Third, when we were introduced to you and Herb's parents. "Do you hate me too?" As you stepped out from behind your mom. Yeah, just make your boyfriend's sister even more jealous. You turned that scene with Vampire and Alchemist getting an autograph from Herb's mom, into something revolving around you,"

"But that-"

"Fourth, when you left for a week, most likely not wanting to see us because you were still "suffering" from your break up. But then you invited us to a concert and a party afterwards, making us come to where you are, just to see you-"

"Hey! If you guys never went to that stupid party, you and Herb never would've kissed! If you didn't kiss, then he wouldn't be in love with you right now! I helped you!" Clover interrupted me angrily.

"I'm not finished! You asked a question, let me answer it!" I raised my voice slightly.

"Fifth reason why I think your seeking attention, when you tried to kill yourself?"


"Come on, you had everyone worried sick about you, because you didn't tell anyone but Vampire about it, and you didn't even reply to him after Herb saved you. You just wanted us to worry about you, you just wanted us to give you attention,"

"N-no, that's not-"

"And the other little times? Being the only one saying anything for hours at a time? Talking over us when we're talking? Yelling at us and hurting us? Hurting yourself?"

"STOP BRINGING MY SELF HARM INTO THIS! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!" He slammed his fist on the counter and stood up from his chair, looking me right in the eyes, angry and traumatized.

Special Friend - A Sparkling x Herb Fanfiction [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now