Chapter 13

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(Sorry it took so long for this chapter to come out :'), like I said last chapter, I wouldn't be able to update my story for a while, 1-2 weeks. (I said I was gonna focus on my YT channel but I did not lmao) Anyways enjoy ig and sorry if it's kinda short, I just needed a filler chapter again qwq)

Herb's POV:

I checked the clock on the wall behind me. It was almost 7pm, closing time.

I walked away from the counter to check on all of my plants before I closed for the night. Then I heard the bell on the door ring as someone entered my shop. I turned to face who it was.

"Hi Herb-" Clover mumbled.

"Oh hello," I greeted him. I watched as he looked around.

"I haven't been here in a while. You've changed up the place again," He acknowledged. Then he smiled.

"It looks lovely,"

"Thank you!" I smiled and walked over to him.

"Um, anyways. Are you gonna come to the bar with me later? I'm gonna apologize to Vampire and everyone else, and then stay for a while," He asked, glancing away from me.

"Oh. Sure," I mumbled.

"Alright! Can I help you with anything before we leave?"

"No, I think I'm okay," I said.

"Alright," Clover lifted himself up onto the counter.

I checked the time again. It was now just after 7.

I grabbed my watering can and watered a few of the dryer plants. Then I put the watering can back, and walked over to the door, flipping the sign from "Open" to "Closed". Clover hopped off the counter, and followed me outside. I locked the door behind him, and started heading home. He followed close behind.

"How many more customers recently?" He asked me.

"Well, I had 12 more than usual today,"

"Ooo, is that a good thing?"

"Usually, but you know I'm bad at talking to new people, especially when there's a lot of them,"

"So, good for your job but hard on you. I understand," He said.

We walked up to our house and he unlocked and opened the door for me.

"I'll be outside waiting for you," He said. I nodded and head to my room. I tossed my apron on my bed, and grabbed one of my hoodies that I apparently left on the floor. I put it on and went back outside.

"Okay lets go,"

~Time Skip~

Once we finally got to Sparkling's bar, Clover opened the doors and stepped inside. I followed him in.


Before we even had time to react, Clover was pulled into a tight hug, both cookies falling onto the ground.

"Ah-! Ow!" He complained. I stepped back and looked around. A few other cookies in the bar were staring at the two on the floor.

"Ah- hi Herb, hi Clover," Sparkling smiled akwardly and waved. Him, Mint, and Cocoa walked over to us.

"Tell him to get off me-" Clover pleaded.

"No," Vampire shook his head.

"He's being clingy-" Clover tried to push him off.

"You just tried to unalive yourself, how could I not be clingy?"

"Okay fine, I'll except your hug, but please get off me first,"

Special Friend - A Sparkling x Herb Fanfiction [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now