Chapter 8

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Herb's POV:

I heard a faint sound of someone talking, and opened my eyes to see who. Raspberry and Sparkling were talking to eachother, and Parfait sat next to Raspberry, listening.


"Yes, I will- maybe in like a week-"

"That's not soon enough!"

"Okay okay, shh, don't wake up Herb!"

I blinked a few times, realizing I was leaning against someone, and looked up to see who. I remember I had fallen asleep against Clover, but now it's Sparkling.

My face heated up very quickly, and I sat upright.

"O-oh-! Um, goodmorning-!" Sparkling smiled nervously, sitting upright aswell.

"I-I'm sorry- I didn't know I-I
was—" I put my hood on and pulled it down over my face. He chuckled and moved my hands away. I glanced over at him.

"No no, it's alright, I don't mind,"

"That's kinda gay," Raspberry pointed out. Sparkling looked over at her with an annoyed glance.

"You're kinda gay,"

"Omg no way," Raspberry pretended to be so shocked. Sparkling and Parfait laughed.

"Hey, um, I made breakfast!" Clover walked in the room.

"Awe, you didn't have to!" Raspberry smiled.

"Oh and goodmorning, Herb!" He left the room.

"Uh- morning," I rubbed my eyes tiredly.

Raspberry and Parfait got up and followed Clover out of the living room, leaving me and Sparkling in here. Sparkling looked over at me, and smiled, with his signature wink, before getting up and following the girls. He's always winked at me like that, but this time I got all flustered.

I blinked and realized I had no idea where the kitchen was, which I assume is where they were going, so I quickly got up and ran up to the three.

"And that's the dinning room," Raspberry pointed to an epmty room with one large table, overly decorated.

"We don't usually eat in there, only on special occasions. Besides, the kitchen looks better anyways, so we don't eat in there," She smiled at Sparkling.

"Ooo," Parfait awed as she stepped into the kitchen. Clover and Raspberry Mousse Cookie, were putting food on the counter in front of Vampire, Alchemist, Mint, Cocoa, and Clover's two little brothers, Knight and Custard. Wait sorry, "It's Custard Cookie THE THIRD, don't forget!"

"Raspberry, when can we see Princess?"

Mousse laughed.

"I'm actually Raspberry Mousse-? That's Raspberry," He pointed to her. Custard lll looked back at us.

"Goodmorning, my faithful servants!" He announced proudly.

"Custard, she's from the Hollyberry Kingdom, which is where we are" Clover corrected him.

"Oh.. well they're not!" He pointed to me and Sparkling, and pouted. Clover turned around.

"Oh, sorry!"

"So when can we see Princess? She is why we came here!"

"Yeah, I would like to see my future girlfr- I mean, my bestfriend sooner than later!" Knight blushed.

Raspberry walked up to the two boys, and sat in the chair next to theirs.

"Later today, Knight and Custard. Stop being so impatient..."

Special Friend - A Sparkling x Herb Fanfiction [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now