AU/Head Canon Explanation

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Author Sam here ^^

This is not necessarily a chapter in the story, but it's something good to read if you want to understand the story and the cookies in my au, better.
I'm basically going to explain the cookies backstorys I have for them (only little parts tee hee), other weird head canons I may have, ships, family members, etc.

Applied to All Cookies:

They're not cookies :D
Let me explain

Basically, they're all human, but are just called cookies because they can be :)

So for example: (I'm sorry Clover 💀)
When Clover cuts himself, he loses blood instead of strawberry jam, and he doesn't crumble when he does so either, because he has human skin, not cookie dough.

Example 2: This is pointed towards the people who questioned chapter 9 part 1, seeing them as cookies. You guys know who you are. :)
No, they can't get soggy or crumble when they have sex. 💀

Age, Sexuality, Gender & Pronouns:



Bigender (Closeted)
He/She (Closeted)
Polyamorous (Closeted)

Mint Choco:

Straight but supports lgbtq

Transgender Male

Other characters the aren't main characters but I need to add them anyways because of pronouns I guess:

Sorbet Shark:

Transgender Female (Closeted)

White Lily/Dark Enchantress:
No age <3

Golden Cheese:
No age <3

Ships (including all characters in this story so far):

Sparkling x Herb (LMFAO DUH That's literally what this story is about!!)
Mint Choco x Cocoa
Vampire x Clover
Raspberry x Parfait
Rockstar x DJ
Pure Vanilla x White Lily/Dark Enchantress
Dark Cacao x Hollyberry
Sea Fairy x Moonlight
Fire Spirit x Wind Archer
Madeline x Espresso
Knight x Princess
Custard Cookie lll x Pancake (Platonic)
Cream Puff x Walnut (Platonic)

Family Members:

I think it's a little obvious who Herb's family is, because I had written before who all of them were.
Sea Fairy and Moonlight are his mothers, and Sorbet Shark is his sibling. Also Frost Queen is his grandmother :3

Don't have a family lmao.

Alchemist is his sister canonly, so it's not really a head canon or au I have. But what is in the au is the abusive parents both of them had when they were younger. I've been trying to hint in some parts of the story why Vampire drinks and that Alchemist is a terrible sister, but I haven't gotten enough in apparently. So basically, Vampire and Alchemist had abusive parents that drank alot, which is why Vampire drinks, and which is why Alchemist is so mean to Vampire (she's taken in her parents traits).

Mint Choco:
Also doesn't have a family like Sparkling, but it doesn't effect him that much, especially since he now has a family-in-law after marrying Cocoa.

Dark Cacao and Hollyberry, and her siblings are Dark Choco, Raspberry, and Raspberry Mousse. Also Princess and Tiger Lily are her cousins :3

His parents are Pure Vanilla and White Lily. Also in my au, White Lily can control who she wants to be (herself or Dark Enchantress), so his mom is also Dark Enchantress.
His siblings are Madeline, Knight, Cream Puff, and Custard Cookie lll.
His adopted siblings are Red Velvet and Strawberry Crepe.

FunFact: Dark Enchantress adopted Red Velvet (that Pure Vanilla didn't even know about at the time), and Strawberry Crepe is their failed attempt at the perfect cookie, like she wanted to do when she was White Lily. Strawberry Crepe is part waffle bot canonly(?), so Strawberry Crepe was only 2/3 finished when White Lily was trying to make the perfect cookie, so they gave up and later came back as Dark Enchantress to finish building the cookie herself.

Random Head Canons:

• Switch (But mostly bottom)
• Knows everyone from each royal family (The family themselves and the friends of these royal cookies, or the maids/butlers, idk)
• Doesn't know he has fans from each Kingdom (Just for being the child of two Legendary's)
• Doesn't actually like music that much, and would prefer not to listen to it, but is nice about it anyways and still listens when someone plays a song for him
• Uses emoticons frequently (aka furry language; :3, :), :<, >:/, etc.)
• Loves spiders, and will purposefully scare Mint with them (See Mint Choco's head canons 👇)
• Stole money from Clover's dad, and literally paid for Clover's top surgery, in cash
• Used to go traumatize people with his moms at one point before they had Sorbet

• Top and bottom, but not a switch, it just depends on the cookie
• More of a slut, aka he flirts with all cookies, and does stuff with boys, but has barely dated anyone. Maybe only had 5 boyfriend's? And he wasn't serious about any of those. (He's serious about Herb though, don't worry)
• He's a bartender only because his best friend (who died a while ago sorry lmao) wanted to be a bartender. He never really wanted to be one himself, but he's fulfilling his friend's dream for her. Then he forgot about her, and actually loves his job now.
• Has his house OVERLY organized

• Actually very smart because of his sister
• Top, refuses to be bottom
• Hypersexual and a whore because of the physical touch she actually didn't want in his childhood (trauma caused it)
• Has crushed on all of the Juice Bar Regulars at one point
• Loves Mint's music actually, so that insult he gave in I think Chapter 1, was just him being rude to his friend like how some friends are
• Love/Hate relationship with her sister, and her sister just hates her for "ruining her life"
• Very emotional
• Loves words like "Slay" and "Yas queen"
• Hates his bat form

Mint Choco:
• Switch
• Likes being masculine in public, and being feminine when he's at home (Only Cocoa knows this)
• Knows a lot of his fans personally, but isn't really friends with them
• Has bad arachnophobia, and Herb loves teasing him about it, and he's always greatful to Cocoa after she deals with them
• Very emotional (in secret)
• The second therapist friend

• Switch (Mint's bisexual ass likes being dominated hahaha)
• Kawaii and sweet to everyone
• No one really knows she's a royal, because she's never liked the title of "Princess", and luckily her parents understood that
• Cocoa is all she drinks, and only sometimes does she order a Mint Chai Latte, which if you don't know what that is, it's a kind of tea
• Has kissed a girl before, but admitted to the girl that she didn't like that feeling and that they should just stay friends (They're still friends, and Cocoa talks to her over the phone frequently)
• Saves Mint from the spiders (See Mint and Herb's head canons ☝)
• Has a collection of mugs and teacups somewhere
• Hates the color orange, for literally no reason
• The first therapist friend

• Prefers flowers and trees over any other plants
• Obsessed with his community (Lgbtq+)
• Very artistic, whether if it's with drawing or with music
• Can play 3 different instruments (lute, electric gutair, harmonica), but their lute is their favorite
• Has liked Herb since he was 7, even though at that time, he thought he was lesbian
• Hates their family (not their sister or mom)
• Very emotional if you couldn't tell
• He writes fanfics
• Half of the time, gives Parfait his music so he doesn't have to perform those songs himself
• Cats and bunnies are their favorite animals
• Ran away with Herb on his 18th birthday (got out of his dad's castle as soon as possible)

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