Chapter 9 (Part 2)

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~ Timeskip: It's a week and a few days later. There hasn't been much happening; just Herb finally going back to work after forgetting about it for a while, small drama between the plant besties friends and families, and plants because yeah, you can't forget plants :). A week ago, aka 2 days after that sleepover with Raspberry, Sparkling and Clover finally informed Mint, Cocoa and Vampy about that bet they made. Mint and Cocoa took Sparkling's side, and of course Vampy took his "boyfriend's" side. I put that in quotes because they're not confirmed. Yet. Anyways, it's Saturday night, and the Juice Bar Regulars were hanging out at the bar, as usual. They're just talking as usual, but soon enough, Vampire mentions that Alchemist is having a sleepover at Wizzard's house, and told Vampire he wasn't allowed home by himself. Clover tells Vampy that he can stay at his house, and because of that, Sparkling asks Herb if he wants to stay at his house. Of course Herb agrees lmao. Then Herb gets drunk, and they do it and etc. So yeah, that was a summary of the last chapter for those who don't want to read that. Anyways now we're here, and I'll just get to the story.~

Herb's POV:

I opened my eyes slowly. Everything looked blurry, as well as it looked like it was spinning.

"What the-?" I mumbled and sat upright. I rubbed my eyes and looked around again. I had no idea where I was, and that wasn't the biggest problem. My head hurt like hell.

"Mmgh-" I held my head tightly as I closed my eyes again. What happened last night-? I layed back down on whoever's bed this is-

"Ouch.." I complained.


"AGH-" I sat up again quickly, and locked eyes with Sparkling, who was standing in the doorway. He looked concerned.

"Sparkling-? Ugh.. you scared me-" I grabbed a hold of my head again.

"Wait Sparkling-?!"

He chuckled as I blushed slightly, remembering that I stayed at his house last night.

"Are... you alright?" He asked.


He pointed to his head.

"Oh, um.. I'm fine," I mumbled. I hugged my legs and buried my face in my knees. That's when I realized my legs hurt too.

"Would you like me to get you anything?" He asked.

"Tea?" I lifted my head.

"Oh- I actually don't think I have anything here to make some-" He frowned.

"You can make tea out of a lot of things though. I'll just make some then. I'm sure I can find something," I smiled at him. I tried to get up but immediately stumbled to the floor.

"ACK- Ouch-! What the heck-" I complained. Sparkling crouched down in front of me.

"Are you okay?" He asked again. This time he seemed nervous, and his face was red. I blushed. He's so close to me-

I shook my head in response.

"I'm sorry-"

"For what- you didn't do anything-?"

He looked away, getting even more red.

"No um- I'm just saying I feel bad for you-"

It got silent for a few minutes after that. It got really akward; both of us just sitting here on the floor next to his bed, looking away from eachother. And before I knew it, he picked me up, and stood up himself.

"Uh- Sparkling-?"


"I- um- n-nevermind-" I buried my face in my hands, trying to hide my blush. He chuckled and brought me to his living room, placing me on the couch.

Special Friend - A Sparkling x Herb Fanfiction [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now