Chapter 19

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Sparkling's POV:

"Uhm, hi guys-" Herb grinned awkwardly as he went inside his house. All four of our friends were in there.

"How'd it go?!" Cocoa asked, excitedly.

"I brought home a boyfriend," he mumbled, as he stepped aside to let me in. I walked into his house and waved at my friends.




Our friends were shouting, pretty excited that we got together. Clover stayed quiet however. I wasn't sure if he was disappointed or happy for us. They just kinda stared.

"I'm happy for you guys," he said finally, and smiled at us. Vampire looked over at them.

"Are you alright-?"

"Mhm. So-"

"Details! What happened?! Tell ussssss!" Cocoa interrupted Clover. He blinked, and then sighed, waiting for one of our responses.

"I- no!" Herb blushed.

"YOU PROMISED!" Cocoa cried.

"I didn't promise you anything!" Herb yelled back.

"You did! You said "Okay okay, I will!""

"Well I- I changed my mind-!"


"No you," Herb walked away and probably went to his room.

"Just because I have one, doesn't mean I am one! Dumbass," Cocoa replied. Mint started laughing, and Cocoa turned to him angrily.


"Ah- n-nothing," he grinned nervously.

"Are you gonna tell us about it then?" Vampire asked. I chuckled and joined my friends on the couch.

"Well, not much actually happened," I started. My friends got closer to me, eager to listen to what went down. Clover kept his distance, still listening from the other side of the couch.

"Uhm... well I got there early and was just kinda watching the sky while standing under some cherry blossom tree-... and he showed up on time- uh.. then I gave him a rose, and then we kinda just took turns telling eachother how we felt. Then I asked him to be my boyfriend, and we kissed. Then we went on a walk through the park, and ended up back here. Like I said, not much," I explained.

"AWWW!" Cocoa swooned over us.

"That's wholesome," Mint smiled.

"Mhm. Now who's gonna tell him you two had sex?" Vampire asked.

"SHH-! I-I'll tell him later-!" I shushed him.

"He heard Vamps, you know. These walls aren't soundproof," Clover mumbled. Then Herb stepped into the living room, his face completely red.


"... shit-" I put my hands over my face.

"Well.. he was gonna find out some way," Vampire shrugged. Both Mint and Cocoa started laughing.

"Mhm- uhm- so it's pretty late, are you guys gonna go home soon?" Herb asked, frantically changing the subject. I took my hands off my face and looked at him.

"Well now you're just trying to change the subject and push them away,"

"Yes—" He admitted

"—But it's almost 10:30pm, and you and Mint have a concert tomorrow, so you all need to get some rest,"

Special Friend - A Sparkling x Herb Fanfiction [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now