Chapter 20

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Sparkling's POV:

Probably about an hour and a half later, I finally arrived at my bar, ready for the party this evening. Vampire was already there, definitely nicer dressed than the last two times he's been to a public event or party.

"Oh, you look nice," He complimented.

"Thanks, you do aswell," I smiled. He shrugged and messed with his braid that Clover did a few hours ago.

"I kinda feel uncomfortable with it,"


"I dunno, I just don't normally go places without my cape, that's all," he chuckled.

Mint, Cocoa and Clover arrived a few minutes later.

"Hi guys!" Clover exclaimed.

"Hi," I replied. Clover kissed Vampire's cheek.

"You look so handsome," he complimented.

"Heh, thank you. You do aswell. Haven't seen you in masculine clothing yet," Vampire commented.

"Matching outfits with Mint?" I asked, looking at both of their outfits. They both had on a white long sleeved dress shirt, with a minty colored vest over top. They both had on white pants and shoes to finish the suit, and to top it off, a red bowtie was tied around the collor of their shirts.

Clover turned to me.


"I thought it'd be fitting to wear the same thing, since we're preforming the same song, together," Mint explained sheepishly.

"And you braided your hair like you did mine earlier," Vampire added. Clover nodded.

"Didn't know you had long hair," I mumbled.

"Then you don't know a lot of things," Clover replied.

"Oh, Cocoa, you look nice too by the way," Vampire chuckled. I agreed with Vampire and looked at her outfit. She had on a red dress and high heels, and her hair was tied into two ponytails.

"Oh, thank you!" She beamed.

"You're welcome,"

"So what do we do while we wait for Herb?" Mint asked. Cocoa pulled out her phone and checked the time.

"Well it's 12:50 now, he should be here soon, aaand- I dunno what we should do," she said.

"There's pockets in that dress?" Vampire asked. Cocoa nodded happily.

"Usually pockets make dresses look goofy, but this one's still cute even with pockets!" She exclaimed. Then she put her phone back in her pocket.

"Oh cool, I didn't even notice, and I didn't think Vampire would care enough to ask that," Clover admitted. Vampire chuckled and played with his hair again.

"Hi guys!" Herb said as he walked over to us.

"Hi Herb!" Clover waved to his best friend.

"Oh wow- you look stunning-" I say, as I glanced at his... how do I even begin to explain his outfit? Well however you would, he still looked stunning.

He grinned at me.

"Thank you, Sparkling!"

Everyone else agreed to his outfit looking stunning, except Clover. They gave him an odd stare, but shook it away immediately, still not saying anything about the outfit. I was going to ask, when suddenly Cocoa started a conversation. I joined in like everyone else did, but I wanted to know why Clover did that, then pretty much went silent. Does he know something we don't?

Special Friend - A Sparkling x Herb Fanfiction [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now