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Imagine: somewhere in their travels to find other Eternals, they take a trip back to earth for a short break. They decided to go out and enjoy each other's presence...

Song for this chapter: Lover - Taylor Swift


Makkari watched couples gather on the dance floor.
The vibrations of the speakers ran along the wood of the floor she was standing on. Thena sat at the table behind her. She was just about to join her when a warm hand wrapped around hers. She turned.
Druig had been the familiar hand that gripped hers so tenderly.
She looked up at him, brows drawn down in question.
"Want to dance?" He asked. She blushed as she read his lips.
"Soft." She thought.

Makkari turned her head to look at Thena and ask if she was ok with her going, but Thena was gone. She turned back to face Druig and that's when she spotted Eros gently and respectfully escorting Thena to the packed dance floor.

Druig watched her wandering eyes, patiently waiting for an answer.
Makkari's eyes finally wandered up to his. He smiled and she gave him one in return. She nodded in response to his question. He lead her to the floor, finding an open spot in the cluster of people.
The thrum of the music was somewhat slow. To Makkari, it felt romantic. The song.
That, and everyone was slow dancing. Arms wrapped around their partners necks. Swaying side to side.
She marveled at the sight. Humans were sweet.

Druig's eyes traced her gentle expression, a content look on his face.
Makkari wrapped her arms around his neck and gently pressed down.
In response, he brought his head down, his forehead gently touching hers.
His sweet smile was contagious.
She closed her eyes as they swayed. His eyes remained open, though hooded.

The vibrations of his heartbeat and the music, mixed. It left her in a blissfully relaxed state.
She felt connected to the room, and to Druig.

This was heaven.



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