Sweet Creature

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Imagine: On a more relaxed day somewhere in their 5000/7000 years, Druig finds Makkari teaching a very young, deaf girl, sign language. It makes him soft.

Song for this chapter:
Sweet Creature - Harry Stiles


The sky was clear. A slight breeze had Druig's hair shift just slightly. He walked slowly through the village he and his fellow eternals had been living in for a few months now. It was a beautiful day, no one could deny. He had to admit, it was refreshing. He loved the smiling faces of the people he passed. Everyone was at peace, just as he wanted and just how he liked it.

Druig made his way around one of the huts that sat in the middle of the quaint village when he heard whispering behind its somewhat thin walls.

A couple, man and woman, stood hovering over a crouched Makkari. Druig moved a bit past the side of the hut, curious as to what was going on. When he got a better view, he saw that Makkari was drawing in the dirt with a somewhat short stick. She smiled at a little girl who seemed to be mesmerized by her.

The girl's somewhat sad expression turned quickly to one of pure joy and amazement. She looked to the dirt, then to Makkari. She had put the stick down and was now signing a fraise Druig knew pretty well.

"Hello, i'm happy to meet you," is what her hand and arm movements had translated to. The girl giggled, the sound a bit hoarse, and attempted to mimic the movements.

Druig understood now, that the girl was deaf. He couldn't help the smile that crawled onto his face. His eyes wandered back to Makkari and the world moved in slow-motion. She turned her gaze from the dirt back to the girl. Her braided ponytail swayed to the side in beautiful light movements. Her eyes lit up, shining. A slight blush tinted her cheeks. A smile lit her face at the sight of the girl's happiness.
When she bent forward to help the girl form more words with her hand, Druig's heart palpitated.

She was beautiful. Inside and out. She was sweet. She was strong. But gentle. She moved gracefully and effortlessly.

Druig moved slowly to Makkari's side and bent down next to her. She turned her head to him, her eyes tracing his face to get an idea of how he was feeling and to see if there was something he needed, but when she realized he just wanted to be a part of the interaction, she smiled at him.

He looked to the girl, smiling kindly and signed a traditional "hello," bringing his hand up, flattening his palm, placing his thumb down across his palm, and pushing his hand away from the side of his head in a firm wave. She did it back and he laughed, clapping gently.

When he looked to Makkari, she was admiring him. She looked away quickly, focused back on writing in the dirt. He nudged her and she almost fell on her butt. She looked to him with an expression that read, "you really just did that!" He smirked.

The girl laughed this time and the pair looked to her. The joy on their faces was easy to read.


Makkari (Lauren Ridloff) is a goddess, swear

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Makkari (Lauren Ridloff) is a goddess, swear.

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