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Makkari is relaxing by the garden window they have in the Domo. As she's sitting there, relaxing, she suddenly feels the vibrations of foot steps, and soon, a familiar heart beat.

Druig comes in, blood dripping from his head, his arms torn up a bit, along with some damage around his chest and torso.

Makkari's eyes widen, she frowns and quickly signs for him to sit. He walks over calmly, and plops down.
She zooms out of the room and just as quickly as she's gone, she's back. But now she has bandages, and things to clean cuts with, gels for bruising, etc.

She asks him what happened and he grunts in pain while explaining.

"It's ok Makkari."
She signs, "It's obviously not. You have cuts and bruises all over. Take your shirt off."
Druig smirks.
"If you wanted to see me shirtless, you could've just asked."
She punches his shoulder lightly and he winces.
Her smile disappears and she helps him with his shirt. When she sees the true damage done, her expression falls.
"Oh, Makkari..." He places a hand on her shoulder so she'll look up at him.
"I'm ok, really." He signs.

She doesn't respond, but instead, gets to work on his wounds. She decides to start with his chest and torso, blushing a bit as she works. She's known he's fit for centuries and had seen him work out in the same time span. And she'd been plenty close to him while shirtless over the 7000 years they've known each other. But she'd never been this close, face to chest, with him.
She can hardly keep the blush from her cheeks as she applies gel to a purple bruise on his lower abdomen.

Druig looks at the garden as she works, occasionally looking down to check her progress on his wounds.

Makkari moves on to his head and face. Gently, she tilts his head back while pushing his wild bangs away from the cut on his forehead.

Druig's eyes trace her face as thoughts of how close they are run through his head. He clears his throat and at the vibration, she pulls her eyes from the gash on his forehead to his .

Blue, deep, and beautiful.

They both realize at the same time, how close they are.
In sync, they share a sweet smile and she gets back to work on his cuts.

Sure, they heal pretty fine on their own. Quickly, at that.

But these silent moments shared between them, were everything to Makkari.

Druig and Makkari ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now